Example sentences of "[was/were] at [art] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We challenged and supported each other through the stresses of daily living , where women , who were at a particularly vulnerable point in their lives , had to make hard choices about their future and gain the strength to struggle through and survive .
2 They were following a similar orbital path , but they were at a slightly lower altitude .
3 These arrangements of Bayezid II's seem to be among the earliest occurrences of , and may well have helped to set the pattern for , a number of joint muderrisliks and muftiliks which appear in the course of the sixteenth century , many of which were at a relatively high level in the hierarchy .
4 By 1922 the first three types had either disappeared completely ( the gentry ) or were at a very low ebb .
5 He applies it to the particular case of young people living with their parents after marriage , by arguing that in the expanding industrial towns there was every opportunity for young people to be wage earners and therefore to be net contributors to the parental household , at a time when wages were at a very low level .
6 In the period after 1945 the Liberals were at a very low ebb and had significant support only in rural areas of Scotland , Wales and South-West England where industrial development was largely absent and so there was little trade union activity .
7 The effect is somewhat idealistic and could only be achieved where motivation and performance were at a very low level to begin with .
8 ‘ While tragic in any circumstances , property repossessions were at a very low level , representing only 0.25pc of mortgages outstanding , and the year end not one mortgage was 12 months or more in arrear , ’ said Mr Wood .
9 ‘ Whilst tragic in any circumstances , property repossessions were at a very low level , representing only 0.25 per cent of mortgages outstanding , and at the year end not one mortgage was 12 months or more in arrear .
10 a few days later there they were at a very high price .
11 In this period capital account transactions were at a much lower level than they are nowadays , partly because many countries still had restrictions or limitations on this type of flow .
12 As many were at the Very Severe upper end of difficulty , he developed quite a reputation for fearlessness .
13 Once again , the two kings were stranded together at a time when the kingdom of Sicily was at a particularly explosive juncture in its long and turbulent history .
14 for a general election could not be long delayed after the new franchise came into effect and the war was at a particularly gloomy stage .
15 Ronald Reagan 's election to the White House occurred at a moment when the credibility of the American presidency was at a particularly low ebb .
16 You held your hand still on the page and you traced around each finger , and all the little contours of your finger joints were captured , and you would go around a few times , and each time the pencil was at a slightly different angle , so you got this aura of your hand , that was so much more accurate than you could ever draw , and all you had to do was put in the fingernails and the little wrinkles on the backs of your fingers and you really had something ?
17 Dr Mann took up the post of organist and choir master at Beverley at a time when the music at the Minster was at a fairly low ebb .
18 On this count , the Zuwaya image was not accurate history , even granting that their involvement was at a much lower level than that of , say , the Magharba .
19 And then , erm it was at a much later stage , in the nineteen twenties or perhaps a little bit earlier than that they actually first managed to get enough of it to liquify .
20 The most striking feature is that expenditure in the 1970s was at a far higher level than during the 1950s and 1960s .
21 Yeah we I must admit , would a , would a parent , I mean I was at a very simple level , following instructions , go and get that ruler Jimmy ?
22 Some of this history was at a very high level of genealogy : it told of the matrimonial history of Hasan bin Nib and his wives and their marriages ; or of the relations and deeds of his sons .
23 When he arrived it was at a very particular time of day .
24 Detective Sergeant Roger Coe , who is heading the investigation , said : ‘ Someone must have seen something , this was at a very busy time of the day , right in the town centre .
25 Her hands ceased their uncertain fluttering , dropping to her lap as she sat back and then tugging at the hem of her skirt until it was at a more modest level .
26 The initial discussion was at a relatively abstract level , to help readers extrapolate principles relevant to their own particular piece of research .
27 Overall these indicate that while the rate of victimization recorded in the annual surveys did increase in the 1970s and 1980s , this was at a substantially lower rate ( 1 per cent on average ) than the officially recorded crime-rate ( 3.5–5 per cent average annual increase ; cf.
28 For other groups the authors note that the overall marginal tax rate was at an historically high level in excess of 60 per cent .
29 But she stressed that the programme 's development was at an extremely early stage , and a decision to go ahead with its production had still to be made .
30 Back in 1989 the England side was at an extremely low ebb , having just been humiliated 0–4 by Australia .
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