Example sentences of "[was/were] more [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One woman in two who worked out said they were more easily aroused after sport , SHE magazine reports — and men said sex was more frequent and satisfying for them , too .
2 The large amount of fieldwork in the past and the early attention to classical matters mean that , in some areas , perhaps all of the Romano-British sites that formerly existed have been recognised — especially as fine pottery , metalwork and stone foundations were more easily noted by early antiquaries .
3 Their greater height posed no problem for spore dispersal : if anything , it was a help since up in the tree tops , spores were more easily caught by the wind and carried away .
4 New teaching methods were more easily discussed in business studies or applied social science than in an area like engineering with an established body of knowledge and longer traditions of teaching .
5 The assumptions which derived from scientific sources were more heavily accentuated in English racial nationalism than in nazism and ultimately stemmed from an Anglo-American tradition rather than from continental sources .
6 Thereafter they were more widely spaced in both chronology and geography but have been recorded in 1817 – 18 , 1831 ( confined to Cornwall ) , 1847 ( again confined to Cornwall in England , though extensive in Scotland ) and final episodes in Devon in 1854 and 1867 .
7 Hence it was decided that the pathway should be set up as a small demonstration project only and be fully evaluated before its concepts were more widely introduced into the school .
8 There were no major complications in either group but minor side effects were more frequently recorded in patients on triple therapy ( 63.2% v 15.8% , p<0.01 ) .
9 With the improvement of transport during the nineteenth century , building materials were more frequently carried over greater distances , and soon after the opening of railways houses began to lose that harmony with the countryside so characteristic of the older cottages .
10 Interestingly , women 's wishes were more frequently considered with the longer section 3 than section 2 admissions ( 15 of 17 cases compared with 15 of 23 cases ) .
11 In both the total population and among younger men periodontal disease and oral hygiene were more strongly associated with total mortality than with the incidence of coronary heart disease .
12 Certainly this definition would cover the Croat units , which were more closely integrated with German forces than any other Yugoslav formations , and it would provide McCreery and Keightley with the authorization they required .
13 Social services were more closely involved through their provision of home care services , although this did not necessarily mean that a social worker was appointed .
14 Given the paucity and poverty of the parish clergy , the Orders were more closely connected with everyday religious life than is imagined .
15 When ‘ affairs ’ were more closely tied to the home , the wife could gain experience in their management .
16 Draught animals , though frequently more valuable , were stolen less often partly because they were more closely looked after , and partly because carters had a reputation as a violent class of men .
17 They interpreted her expression from the perspective of traditional notions about women — that they were more closely linked to the natural world than men and that their bodies were the source of their creativity .
18 Other extraordinary revenues were more closely linked with feudal obligations .
19 This system is finely attuned to new ventures in marketing and distribution , and is probably quite similar to the major South Asian forms of production which had previously established the foundations for large-scale international trade , in the absence of industrial machinery ; although , in that case , divisions in the production process , which allowed for control by merchants and middlemen , were more closely articulated by social divisions such as caste and purdah .
20 Due to a shortage of teachers the recruits were more urgently needed in schools .
21 Reserve and reticence of expression , on the part of solo cellist Christopher van Kampen and the Sinfonietta , were more aptly applied in the context of Ligeti 's Cello Concerto ( 1965 ) , a sparsely-written , lapidaric work that discloses the absolute minimum within its unbroken span of 26 kaleidoscopic episodes .
22 In general , most Renaissance texts were open to being co-opted into a part in these royal games ( the term usefully suggests the way private activities such as sexual intrigues were more expressly combined with public political questions during the Renaissance ) .
23 Others were more conveniently sited for them but inconveniently for the Company , as a condition of selling land for the railway .
24 Yet this is not surprising when one realizes that both were close to the docks and that the iron foundries in their areas were more conveniently situated for the timber yards and wharfs along the north bank .
25 Nine were more powerfully motivated by a wish to escape from their present job , and expressed relief over leaving it .
26 Developing certain of his ideas , the Fauves and the German painters of the Brücke undoubtedly saw primitive art as a liberating force , stimulating them in their attempts to achieve a more direct and spontaneous form of expression , although the Fauves , at least , were more immediately influenced in this respect by the passionate painting of Van Gogh than by primitive art .
27 Glaciologists have argued that the two intervals of ice-sheet collapse were more probably driven by some extreme nonlinear response to slowly changing climate than by rapid climate change .
28 Following the pioneering incorporation of the Bristol workhouse in 1697 , these institutions were more readily adopted in urban than in rural parishes .
29 The TSS involved similar techniques to those described above but they were more aggressively applied with specific time periods between each operation .
30 One can only assume that the later , powerfully muscled and squatter ankylosaurs were more finely tuned to Earth 's gravity .
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