Example sentences of "[was/were] make between the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The usual conveyancing arrangements were made between the building society 's solicitors , Messrs. Warrens , and the Hammonds ' solicitors , W. H. Hopkins & Co .
2 267 , which came to the Privy Council just before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council was created , provides a valuable illustration of the fact that in the absence of such arrangements as were made between the Inns of Court and the judges in this country , the power to judges to determine who were fit and proper persons to practise before them , where it existed , was regarded as essential for the due administration of justice .
3 The formal shouts of challenge and reply were made between the guards on the watchtowers and the approaching horsemen , and a moment later there were hooves clattering in the yard .
4 In February 1959 a treaty was made between the United Kingdom and the United Arab Republic which provided for the return of sequestrated property , except property sold between October 1956 and August 1958 .
5 The trustee in bankruptcy claimed that the transfer of Mr Flint 's share in the home was void , by reason of s 284 of the Insolvency Act 1986 because the order was made between the presentation of the bankruptcy petition and the bankruptcy order .
6 Apparently , little distinction was made between the providers and the suspicion of some county councillors was linked with the views of other councillors who held antipathetic attitudes over any non-statutory expenditure on educational provision .
7 If the intention was the same on both sides , the result , in my judgment , was that an agreement was made between the parties by implication .
8 A complex negotiation was made between the Davids Price and Tallichet for aircraft and services , the result in Spitfire terms would be that Tallichet would receive TP298 in flying trim and SM845 was free to float away if appropriate .
9 During this time Shadwell had me concentrate on the animal noises I was to make between the dialogue , so that when , for instance , I was talking to Kaa the slithering snake , who saves Mowgli 's life , I had to hiss .
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