Example sentences of "[was/were] make [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It may be that demands were made beyond the capability of a particular individual , or the person concerned may simply have been to some degree in ill health .
2 Erm and what , and , and because the decisions were made outside the division , they were made here ,
3 Overnight nine arrests were made across the province when minor trouble flared in several areas .
4 Smaller cuts were made through the reduction , privatization or closure of most of British Rail 's workshops .
5 The usual conveyancing arrangements were made between the building society 's solicitors , Messrs. Warrens , and the Hammonds ' solicitors , W. H. Hopkins & Co .
6 Such chronicles include letters which purport to have been written by the rebels , and note demands which were made during the rising .
7 The first US space walks for five years were made during the shuttle mission , one in an emergency to free an antenna on the GRO which had failed to operate , and the other to test equipment for the construction of the proposed Freedom space station .
8 Written records confirm the evidence of archaeology that foundation offerings of precious substances were made during the construction of early temples in Mesopotamia .
9 Attempts were made during the war to bomb Saddam 's convoy , and the American attack on the Al-Amariyah shelter , which resulted the in the deaths if up to 300 women and children , seems to have been ordered because a high intensity of walkie-talkie traffic was detected at the shelter .
10 The best were made during the war , including Listen to Britain ( 1942 ) , Fires Were Started ( 1943 ) , and Diary for Timothy ( 1944/5 ) .
11 The most unpleasant discoveries were made during the process of clearance : cupboards full of urine-encrusted chamber pots , of ancient patent medicine , of dead mice , of moth-infested garments , of fossilized scraps of nineteenth-century food : Hogarthian , Dickensian relics of an oppressed and squalid past .
12 Altogether 120 referrals were made during the study year .
13 Before the Court of Appeal submissions were made on the company 's behalf that the Crown Court had failed to take into account the lack of gravity of the offences and had over-emphasised both the company 's ability to pay a substantial fine and the possibility of an accident occurring .
14 A number of choices were made on the introduction of legal aid after the Second World War , which have affected its development .
15 Mr McCallum continued that the decisions made by the Social Work Department were made on the basis of confidential information , and should that department reply to the Action Committee , he said , they might divulge information which should nut be revealed at that time .
16 Sir Patrick said compensation was paid in 123 cases , but only 27 of the settlements were made on the basis of police assault .
17 Payments from the IOPCF were made on the basis of direct economic loss , rather than cash flow problems .
18 Pointing out that the Budget changes represented the most fundamental change in oil taxation for ten years , Mr Laidlaw added : ‘ Commitments to drill wells under current licences were made on the basis of the existing fiscal regime and the widespread acknowledgement that fiscal stability is essential for the long lead times involved in offshore developments . ’
19 The Minister later said he had nothing to add to a previous statement which said appointments were made on the basis of aptitude and merit .
20 It was built in 1907 to serve the local soft fruit trade , and although it is an elegant bridge it is actually built of concrete blocks which were made on the site .
21 The food produced in this way on the farm was supplemented by marine resources , mussels , limpets and periwinkles gathered on the foreshore , conger eel from the lower shore and whiting taken from the sea ; nets were made on the farm using bone netting needles .
22 The tank was left for a further two weeks , during which regular checks were made on the quality of the water .
23 In bygone days all proclamations were made on the market cross steps , and the hiring of labour was carried out there too .
24 Decisions were made at the top , by monarch , Council , or minister , not , as in a modern bureaucracy , by officials in the lower and middle echelons , who then mostly carried out routine tasks .
25 Certain unspecified revisions were made at the request of the Council of Constitutional Guardians .
26 Clinical , sigmoidoscopic , biopsy , haematological , and biochemical assessments were made at the beginning and end of the four week trial period or when patients were withdrawn prematurely .
27 In October Macmillan went into hospital and resigned as Prime Minister ; the implausible Lord Home , incorporating the highest virtues of the traditional Tory , succeeded him ( becoming plain Sir Alec in the process ) but no changes were made at the Ministry of Education .
28 SENSIBLY , speeches were made at the start of Sir Kingsley Amis 's 70th birthday party at the Savoy Hotel yesterday .
29 There was no doubt these eleventh-hour changes were made at the wish of Pope Paul , acting to retain the support of the minority .
30 The announcements were made at the InterOp conference in Washington .
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