Example sentences of "[was/were] go to do [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We saw a Civil Defence exercise in Tyne and Wear where local government officials , obviously not in peak condition , rushed about and contemplated what they were going to do about the rain of megatonne weapons that was being dumped on their ratepayers .
2 Erm the point that both the others raised about my objection with the large document and my objection regarding what you were going to do with the information you could have apacked and come out with a stronger result .
3 ( They showed me how deep they had advanced into Russia and I showed them what we were going to do in the West .
4 Like Powdermaker ( 1967 ) , who recorded fieldnotes in Mississippi only when she was away from her field data , I found I only took notes at the time if I was willing to risk begin interrogated about what I was going to do with the information I was recording .
5 It 's possible I knew subconsciously all along what I was going to do with the gun .
6 Piers was nowhere to be seen , and without his presence in the kitchen she thought carefully about what she was going to do with the bits of chicken and the assortment of vegetables .
7 ‘ Some of the other customers stood up and demanded to know what the Chancellor was going to do about the economy , ’ says proprietor Moziruddin Ahmed , who was far too discreet to say whether Mr Lamont paid by Access .
8 Ross had , in fact , been quite right — and what she was going to do about the problem , she simply had no idea .
9 He will be joined by local MP Michael Fallon and Hartlepool Conservative candidate Graham Robb who yesterday said it was high time Labour told the voters what it was going to do about the continuing problems of congestion and accidents on the A1(M) .
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