Example sentences of "[was/were] go [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Look , Micky , ’ said Peter Hickton , ‘ would it help if we were to go through the lines again this evening , just the two of us ? ’
2 ‘ And if rumour were to go about the levels that the T'ang has lost something important and would clear a deck to find it ?
3 They urged that if the loyalist political parties were to go into the convention without having in reserve the weapon of the general strike , they would be as naked and helpless as Aneurin Bevan , the post-war foreign secretary , had said Britain would be in international councils if she were unilaterally to discard her nuclear weapons .
4 We were to go into the mountains and spend one night in tents before making our rendezvous the next day .
5 And how many officers were to go into the flat ?
6 Would you like me to check the mail — or attend to the women who were to go for a bush walk ? ’
7 If Kinsella were to go on a binge , he would drink his way down to the last penny of whatever money is available , irrespective of who it belongs to . ’
8 It would be a tragic loss to theatre if such an important organisation were to go to the wall .
9 I have been living in the city for three years and if I were to go to the estates now they would n't give me work .
10 Henniker and I were to be taken up to Mr. Ingard 's room , Spalding and Miss Robinson were to go to the offices allotted to us on the second floor .
11 If he were to go to the doctor and ask about it , he might find out — ‘ Mind yer backs !
12 They 'd come up to Hampstead to have coffee and we were to go to the Everyman , but the queue was too long .
13 The press gave the impression that governors were going through a series of complicated changes and that new puzzles and ambiguities about their powers were being constantly revealed .
14 Consumers were going through a period of retrenchment after the boom years of the 1980s .
15 Yes , I did in fact erm whilst when we were going through the education proposals erm I did list reductions as John has mentioned , but I did also include the extra valuation for primary staffing that erm has went into our budget and the Liberal Democrats and I think Labour 's originally , which is now included in the combined Council budget .
16 They were going through the motions on television but their voices , face and body language were vividly clear — they knew they would lose and they were putting on a brave front .
17 I know that , because Gran said so once , when we were going through an atlas together .
18 The thing that worked best when we were going through an investigation was to get individual kids to come and explain it … mind you they made such a racket applauding them when they 'd finished etc. , but I felt they were listening more carefully to them than they were to me !
19 One they were going into a pub , and going into the toilets , you know , making a , so he had a a policeman waiting in and the toilets , for them you see , and the o one other , notable occasion he was seen chasing them down the main street in Morley , he got his cape on , you see ,
20 ‘ The captain said we were going into the Falkland Sound .
21 Er and then I heard from Australia that they were going into the engineering exhibition in Melbourne and I offered them er a mobile display and they came back with one or two added ideas and so I changed the specification again .
22 Virgin were going into the airline business .
23 We were going towards the sun . ’
24 It seemed that the verderers were going towards the outlaws ' citadel , not away from it .
25 They were going up the stairs now .
26 ‘ We were going past a pet shop in Shrewsbury , where we had been before looking for George , when we decided to have another look around .
27 unless you were going with a group of friends cos you do n't , you would n't meet anyone , you would , s seriously they were , last year they were like twelve years old .
28 You were going with the picture on the outside , well that 's fatal .
29 The shadow home secretary , Tony Blair , claimed the plans were going down the road of centralised policing when the reverse was needed .
30 The shadow home secretary , Tony Blair , claimed the plans were going down the road of centralised policing when the reverse was needed .
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