Example sentences of "[was/were] see as [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The relatively puny Fascist and Communist movements in Britain gained attention because they were seen as projections of much more important European counterparts .
2 These were seen as products of a new strategy on the part of Britain to ensure its continued domination of Ireland :
3 As football has become a big-business enterprise in this country , and since the players , who once were seen as members of the same working-class community as the fans themselves , have become rich superstars , the close identity between fans and their team has been eroded .
4 THE APPROACH of the Eden Park Test initially was viewed with trepidation , and the majority of the five changes to the home team were seen as signs of disarray rather than as providing fresh blood .
5 Both were seen as sources of disease , bodily or spiritual , moral corruptions which were spreading throughout the land .
6 The individual organism came first in the biologist 's consciousness , while the replicators — now known as genes — were seen as part of the machinery used by individual organisms .
7 The 1989 NHS Reforms were greeted with great hostility by much of the medical profession , partly because they were seen as part of possible moves towards dismantling the NHS , but also because of the changed emphasis brought about by the consideration of terms such as : ‘ efficiency ’ , ‘ internal market ’ , and ‘ payment by results ’ in areas where the role of the market had previously been much less prominent .
8 These changes were seen as part of a comprehensive strategy to foster exchange rate cohesion .
9 There was , however , overlap between the Stanley connection and the royal household , which confirms that the Stanleys were seen as part of the royal affinity rather than as part of Gloucester 's .
10 They were sometimes denied the authority necessary for the fulfilment of their expected role , and it was critically important that they were seen as part of a school 's management team rather than being relegated to the position of mere facilitator .
11 One has only to think of the Romantic period where poets became their own heroes , and their lives were seen as part of their poetic output .
12 There was , however , overlap between the Stanley connection and the royal household , which confirms that the Stanleys were seen as part of the royal affinity rather than as part of Gloucester 's .
13 Mechanisms such as nitrogen quotas and a carbon tax were referred to as actual ways of introducing more environmentally friendly practices , while land zoning linked with conservation incentives , and subsidised organic farming , were seen as ways of encouraging farmers to diversify their income in a way which was more socially acceptable than set-aside .
14 This was seen as victimisation of intellectuals , already suffering in the changed economic circumstances of modern China .
15 Mugabe 's statement on March 4 , 1990 , that " all progressive forces " should prepare for negotiations with the apartheid regime in spite of the continuation of the armed struggle was seen as criticism of the Pan Africanist Congress ( PAC ) with which , rather than the ANC , ZANU had traditionally been aligned .
16 And for reformers from above — based in Whitehall rather than Northern Ireland — the past operation of local democracy was seen as part of the problem .
17 Other debates and ideologies , originating both from state apparatuses and from capital , talked of affluence and a consumer spending boom , and more education was seen as part of the route to yet greater affluence .
18 The package was seen as part of the transition from a labour-intensive to a capital-intensive economy in Mauritius .
19 This was seen as part of an attempt by the government to widen economic reform to include democratization as well as liberalization .
20 The move was seen as part of the continuing attempts to end Albania 's international isolation .
21 The measure was seen as part of an ongoing process designed to increase the reliability of both police and Army units .
22 Issued 46 years after the war 's end , the apology was seen as part of an on-going process whereby Japan was attempting to improve its relationship with its neighbours in order to enable it to play a diplomatic and political role within the region which was commensurate with its economic power .
23 The publicity surrounding the Gates visit was seen as part of US moves to put increased pressure on the Iraqi government , as were other " covert " US-backed activities — a propaganda campaign inside Iraq and support for the creation of a single leadership of Iraqi opponents to the regime .
24 In the early days of Minoan studies , this widespread network of trading links was seen as evidence of a powerful Minoan navy , a wholesale conquest by sea and political subjugation of the tributary lands .
25 Teaching English , being a metaphor for a policy of enforced cultural assimilation , dovetailed with the view expressed by a large proportion of heads and teachers that ‘ immigrant ’ cultures — the desire to hold on to which was seen as evidence of a ‘ ghetto mentality ’ — were an educational hindrance requiring vigilant exclusion from the culture of the school ( Brittan , 1976 ) .
26 This was seen as evidence of the government 's continued commitment to economic re-structuring and of its need to have an experienced negotiator to deal with the mounting foreign debt [ see pp. 37216-17 ] .
27 The projected surplus of AD13,500 million was seen as evidence of an upturn in the economy .
28 The resignation of Labour Minister Erick Thompson Pineres in October [ see p. 37770 ] was seen as evidence of a rift in the Cabinet over the severity of the austerity programme .
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