Example sentences of "[was/were] see [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Beset by relative impotence in the international arena only rarely could abolitionists provide sustenance from ‘ agitation ’ for antislavery diplomacy or politics as when the 1814 petitions were seen as support for Castlereagh 's negotiations on suppressing the transatlantic slave trade at the peace congress .
2 The relatively puny Fascist and Communist movements in Britain gained attention because they were seen as projections of much more important European counterparts .
3 These were seen as products of a new strategy on the part of Britain to ensure its continued domination of Ireland :
4 As football has become a big-business enterprise in this country , and since the players , who once were seen as members of the same working-class community as the fans themselves , have become rich superstars , the close identity between fans and their team has been eroded .
5 THE APPROACH of the Eden Park Test initially was viewed with trepidation , and the majority of the five changes to the home team were seen as signs of disarray rather than as providing fresh blood .
6 Both were seen as sources of disease , bodily or spiritual , moral corruptions which were spreading throughout the land .
7 The individual organism came first in the biologist 's consciousness , while the replicators — now known as genes — were seen as part of the machinery used by individual organisms .
8 The 1989 NHS Reforms were greeted with great hostility by much of the medical profession , partly because they were seen as part of possible moves towards dismantling the NHS , but also because of the changed emphasis brought about by the consideration of terms such as : ‘ efficiency ’ , ‘ internal market ’ , and ‘ payment by results ’ in areas where the role of the market had previously been much less prominent .
9 These changes were seen as part of a comprehensive strategy to foster exchange rate cohesion .
10 There was , however , overlap between the Stanley connection and the royal household , which confirms that the Stanleys were seen as part of the royal affinity rather than as part of Gloucester 's .
11 They were sometimes denied the authority necessary for the fulfilment of their expected role , and it was critically important that they were seen as part of a school 's management team rather than being relegated to the position of mere facilitator .
12 One has only to think of the Romantic period where poets became their own heroes , and their lives were seen as part of their poetic output .
13 There was , however , overlap between the Stanley connection and the royal household , which confirms that the Stanleys were seen as part of the royal affinity rather than as part of Gloucester 's .
14 Mechanisms such as nitrogen quotas and a carbon tax were referred to as actual ways of introducing more environmentally friendly practices , while land zoning linked with conservation incentives , and subsidised organic farming , were seen as ways of encouraging farmers to diversify their income in a way which was more socially acceptable than set-aside .
15 Concrete flyovers , wholesale clearance for new routes , and concern over noise and lead pollution , were seen as affronts to living conditions ; in the environmentally conscious 1970s new highway planning became politically beleaguered .
16 Only scattered signals were seen over sections from group C patients ' lungs or normal lungs .
17 Elsewhere gatherings of 20 to 40 are noted frequently in the Pagham/Selsey area , off Climping and between Worthing and Shoreham ; 100 were seen off Lancing on 26 January 1964 , and about 65 wintered off Worthing in 1971/72 .
18 In men 60–70% of discharges were seen among adults between 25–64 years of age ( Fig 3A ) .
19 Higher rates of symptomatic gall bladder disease were seen among smokers in each oral contraceptive group , although the trend was only significant for never users of the pill .
20 The princes were seen from time to time when , with a strong guard , they rode through the streets of the City .
21 On assumption of power labour attempted to implement a programme of progressive reform but in pursuit of this adopted methods that were seen by opponents to be an open challenge to representative democracy .
22 In the vast majority of cases , soil conservation measures were seen by land-users to be a symptom of oppression either by a colonial regime or by small interlocking urban elites .
23 Involving airborne and seaborne troops , warships and fighter-planes and bombers , the US manoeuvres were seen by Cuba as a rehearsal for invasion , but described by the US Defence Department as routine .
24 Trailers featuring the zany actress in the comedy Death Becomes Her were seen by cinema-goers across America .
25 The extent to which central training staff of local authorities were seen by libraries to be involved in their training was examined , and the provision of central courses they offered was also looked at ( in Chapter 5 ) , leading to the conclusion that central training provision reflects the overall policy of , and general commitment to training of the parent authority , and thus is likely to coincide with existence of other resources .
26 Only 68 cases were seen in England in 1976 and these were mostly seen in or near ports .
27 He realized the importance of kinship systems for the Indians and how for them most social relationships were seen in terms of who was the child of whom and who was married to whom .
28 A rather unsatisfactory marriage was glorified in his imagination by high-sounding comparisons between himself and Dante , while his largely innocent office romances — which do not appear to have gone much beyond crushes on secretaries — were seen in terms of Launcelot 's devotion to Guinevere and the threatened breaking of the Round Table .
29 The Arabs were seen in terms of oil , the Palestinian problem and terrorism , .
30 The roles of the researcher were seen in terms of helping to identify , study , and solve an educational problem , with the fullest collaboration .
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