Example sentences of "[was/were] at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many short-term economies were at the long-term expense of both efficiency and effectiveness .
2 I beg your pardon I beg your pardon twelve , these two things were separate you know one could be added to the other in looking an as it were at the total employment requirement .
3 They were at the Labour Party conference together last year and that 's when it began .
4 Now they were at the elegant pavement café beside the library .
5 One night we had sat up late while Mum and Dad were at The Golden Cup and had cut up old Christmas decorations into tiny squares and diamonds and then hidden them in envelopes .
6 In making this break with tradition , James , it seems , had come to the conclusion that it was time for the intellectual elite to shut up and listen to the workers for a change for it was they who were at the sharp end of the production system and therefore they who first sensed any changes in patterns of production .
7 They were at the sharp end of an operation conceived at the Oxford based company Unipart .
8 In November we were at the annual bazaar at the English ( episcopal ) church , where we also made many contacts .
9 But the best chances were at the other end , and John Durnin who 's enjoying a new lease of life on the south coast should have set the ball rolling before half-time .
10 The band , dressed in evening wear and sitting on a raised dais , were at the far end of the hall .
11 Kāli and her cousin , Jit , were at the far end of the roof waving their arms , keeping the sheep contained at one end only , stopping them going back down the steps at the other side .
12 It was odd when he came to think about it , but every now and again one or two of them would be posted , yet the five men who had accompanied him from Cranwell , and whose beds were at the far end of the hut , were still here .
13 They were at the deep end of the pool and both trod water to keep afloat .
14 In ritual status they were at the very top of the system and ranked higher even than the kings .
15 The book-collector can obviously fight his corner here with examples from well-known authors and historic figures who either drew the cheques or were at the receiving end .
16 The results were at the top end of analysts ' expectations .
17 Dudley and colleagues quote the proportions of patients managed by nurse practitioners in their department on the two days in question and annually , which were substantial ; our census showed , however , that such proportions were by no means typical but were at the top end of the range .
18 Lloyds ' figures were at the top end of market expectations and , combined with an inflation-beating 11 per cent rise in the final dividend to 12.5p , helped the shares firm 6p to 534p yesterday .
19 Though the figures were at the top end of City expectations while the company is in the middle of a four-year business plan , the shares fell 2p to 168p .
20 The figures were at the top end of expectations and Bunzl 's shares firmed 2p to 132p .
21 One autumn day towards the end of 1973 , Bernard was driving through Oxford and , as was his wont , stopped off to see how things were at the local shop .
22 Ali , for example , in the same passage , speaks of " 40-akce medreses ' and medreses of less than 50 akce " ( whereas , of course , all medreses were at the 50-akce level ) .
23 They were at the High Council under the guidance of Cod .
24 It seemed quite strange to read an allegation about the Royal Show being merely a big local show placed on the same page in FARMERS WEEKLY as a paragraph mentioning the fact that German ministers were at the Royal Show to forge links between the UK farmers and farm businesses .
25 Peter and Gwenda Dixon were at the wrong place , at the wrong time .
26 Manager Alan Murray , assistant manager Eddie Kyle and McAndrew were at the Northern League club at the same time .
27 At year end , development plans for two new fields , KG and KRA , were at the preliminary engineering stage , with production projected for early 1995 .
28 Daak was at the narrow front of the cabin .
29 Sarah 's house was at the other end of it and I could see a couple of cars parked outside what I was sure was their home .
30 Another son , Paul , was at the other end of the link in Los Angeles .
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