Example sentences of "[was/were] at the [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 And you see doing th er that er junior the junior school In the earlier junior school we were at the church as well , which was on the next street , St John 's Church at Mansfield .
2 Or the need to race to the phone like a lunatic every time it rings ( for someone else ) and to blame your mother because you were at the pub when he did phone .
3 ‘ It is all a bit overwhelming and we are more frightened now than we were at the start because we know so much more about her condition .
4 He said you were at the Tower because of Sir Ralph Whitton 's death . ’
5 Police said they had no idea why Roberts was at the court as he was not due to appear on any charges .
6 Although I met Theresa on the way back from erm school and she said Alec was at the doctors cos not the way back from school , way back from the library .
7 And she said Alec was at the doctors cos he was feeling under the weather .
8 ‘ I was at the NME because of punk rock really , ’ he says blandly .
9 Twice I was at the cinema when it burned down .
10 He wanted ‘ something really special , with some of the atmosphere that was at the Haçienda when I was going there ’ .
11 Fergus Pyle of the Irish Times was at the station when the expected delegation from Liverpool arrived on the morning train .
12 She was at the clinic when it was delivered , working on some case notes .
13 Two years ago Mrs Ayers went next door to feed Ivy 's cat while she was at the hairdressers when she disturbed burglars at work .
14 The guy was probably dead when we tipped him into the shaft — we just assumed he was at the time though the older I got the less sure of that I was — but even if was n't , he must have been killed when he hit the bottom ; it 's thirty metres at least .
15 I was at the hospital when he came out of it .
16 Erm , and sh she she was at the party when he , and she was going away , that was it , and she said , said to Wallis , will you look after David for me .
17 Mrs Clamp was at the house when I got back , unloading the huge wicker hopper on the front of her ancient bike which lay propped against the kitchen table .
18 Mr Scott 's removal from office was demanded by one shareholder who said that he was at the helm when the company 's finances went in to the red .
19 He was at the Department when it abolished the maternity grant .
20 ‘ I do n't see why not , ’ said Tilney , who was at the age when the more outrageous the idea , the better .
21 She was at the age when many women are at their physical best : tall , thin , but shapely ; smart , but not too dauntingly so ; fragrant ( a touch of Poison ) ; and fun : she had mastered early on the necessary female skill of charity towards her suitors ' jokes .
22 I decided to stay where I was at the moment until things quietened down .
23 There never was any threat from them to Barbara — they did n't know she was at the flat because she was in her room when they burst in .
24 Harvey was at the flat when I got back .
25 One of my colleagues , John Savage , put it forcibly when he said in the programme that pure road racing — that is racing on public roads — was at the crossroads because of lack of numbers and I 'm inclined to agree with him .
26 ’ Gharr was at the spaceport when I landed , and he stopped me tight away .
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