Example sentences of "[was/were] not [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They were not themselves in the dock .
2 What about Liverpool the other night , they were lucky were n't they in the
3 Probably a British businessman with enough money to go romping off to America on some tax-deductible crusade — heavens you were n't anybody in the Sixties if you could n't to that twice a year . ’
4 Were n't you at the village concert ? "
5 ‘ Why were n't you in the corridor with the door open , waiting ? ’ he asked .
6 The opposition leaders he met agreed that the question of reunification of Germany was not one for the German people alone , but was the rightful concern of their European neighbours .
7 He gained a reputation as the Buster Keaton of the cricket world , a man who rarely seemed to have any expression on his face and who was not one for the excited cavortings that greet the fall of a wicket ; yet behind the mask a good deal of thought was given to his bowling , and he was liked and respected by his fellow players .
8 He was not one for the romantic niceties , was Reg .
9 The order was not one for the recovery or preservation of trust property but called for information and for copies of the defendants ' documents which , so far as compliance might incriminate them , the defendants were entitled to disregard .
10 Was not it above the banality of revenge ?
11 I was n't myself in the heather that night .
12 ‘ It was n't him at the time , ’ says Rigby .
13 Then when we come back to stand down , we came back to Tolbertstead well we was in Tolbertstead so the Tolbertstead canteen staff got some hot prepared some hot drinks and so when we come back we was able to have a hot drink and erm it was the duty of er the sergeants to see that the rifles were empty free , no am no , there was n't er there was n't one up the spout , one bullet left in the , in the rifle and er Sergeant , the barber , was checking our rifles anyway he , he was check , check , check , check and er alright he mischecked one and pulled the trigger and there was a bullet through the roof in the , in the he was holding it up or otherwise there 'd have been somebody on the floor but er he , he missed this one bullet through the canteen roof .
14 ‘ There was n't one in the car .
15 When I first went to work , I went and joined the union , there was n't one in the factory I was working in and so I went to the nearest er trade union office and joined .
16 Hard pushed , well she said she went through all the books on the Council , and there was n't one in the South
17 The back line made a few errors but there was n't anyone on the Southampton side able to take advantage .
18 And if she was Dominic 's girlfriend , why was n't she at the pub with him earlier ?
19 Was n't she on the list you gave me ?
20 Why was n't he in the Lady Chapel in front of the Blessed Sacrament ?
21 Was n't he behind the crackdown on the Jews ? ’
22 I du n no it was about to shut was n't it at the same time and it it was like well it 's worth gon na get them .
23 But was n't it for the best that his son be separated from Jennifer ?
24 Was n't it in the first cousin of just this sort of place that two centuries earlier another wandering fiddler , the blind poet Raftery , had composed his famous lament about ‘ playing music to empty pockets ’ ?
25 Was n't it in the budget the two point seven for the first two months ?
26 there was n't anybody at the assembly hall for the National Theatre , well
27 She said there was n't anything at the moment .
28 Despite Schlesinger 's claims that ‘ there was n't anything in the movie that I had n't seen in some way somewhere ’ and ‘ one was always confronted by something worse on the streets than one was putting into the film ’ , they were attention-getting elements , unabsorbed into the texture of the film .
29 Over the eggs and bacon , eaten with bread and butter , Dolly said , ‘ Like you told me , there was n't anything in the paper about the murder except the police are still workin' on it .
30 Er there was n't anything like the , well not to the schools that I went to , the corporal punishment that there seems to have been since .
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