Example sentences of "[was/were] bring up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Listen lawman , I wuz brought up on the streets .
2 The application was duly made , the proceedings were brought up into the High Court , and on 27 January 1992 the Official Solicitor was appointed guardian ad litem of the four children who , together with the mother and the local authority , were respondents to the foster mother 's application .
3 And er really when you sort of l look at the children who were born during the war and were brought up during the war , they 're all pretty strong and healthy .
4 Those who were brought up on the older theories of the Westminster model in which , despite party loyalties , there was a balance between the executive and the legislature as a whole , expect that the House of Commons will still regard its main functions as being to consider and amend legislative proposals from the government ( and from private members ) , to scrutinize public expenditure and to expose government policies to continual questioning and debate .
5 They were brought up to the drawbridge-end .
6 Also , if bus stations were brought up to the standards , with pleasant lounge cafés , attendants to look after luggage and protection for passengers from fumes and the weather , then even the maniacal travelling executive might be tempted to use public transport .
7 And then er a and then after they had been in hay ricks for a long time they were brought up to the farm and built into a bigger stack , a bigger thing .
8 I watched with interest as rifles were brought up from the cellar and sandbags were filled .
9 My brother and I were brought up in the Catholic faith .
10 This may seem idiotic to you , if you were brought up in the " filling-station " tradition .
11 Because the slave traders were brought up in the belief that every word of the Holy Bible was inspired by God , they honestly thought that they had divine sanction to enslave blacks .
12 However , the effect of experience on temperament is still limited by the horse 's genetic traits — for example , if both the naturally placid horse and the naturally nervous horse were brought up in the same rough environment , then the placid horse would still be less timid than the nervous one .
13 Well I was brought up on the story .
14 On the Gamily Fast Day in October , the children gave up snacks and donated the money save to a collection which was brought up at the offertory at a special mass in school .
15 MP Jim Wallace made his appeal for such an inquiry on the floor of the House of Commons ; and when the topic was brought up at the Scottish Liberal Democrats Conference , he was supported by Judy Steel , wife of the former leader of the Liberal Party , and herself one of the first ever Reporters to a Children 's Panel when the system began in 1971 .
16 I 'd like to move with th er , I I think tha wi given wi , though we have n't got all that much time , can we move onto another area that was brought up at the beginning of the programme which was erm the use of animals in recreation and er Lisa particularly mentioned hunting , now , she thinks hunting should be banned , do you ?
17 Following her sister 's death in early infancy , her parents ' divorce when she was three years old , and her mother 's remarriage , Marguerite was brought up at the Earls Court residence of her mother and her mother 's third husband , Albert Visetti , a professor of singing at the Royal College of Music in London .
18 With his sister Norma , who now lives in Newton Aycliffe , he was brought up at the hotel during the Second World War .
19 Born in 1754 , Murdock was brought up to the trade of his father who was a millwright and miller .
20 In addition to having worked in Germany and the USSR , and lived for some time before the war in France , I was brought up for the first five years of my life in India in a native state where I was the only white child .
21 Stewart , who managed England 's Test side for six years and steered them to successive World Cup finals , said : ‘ When I was brought up during the war , serving Queen and country meant a lot to my generation .
22 Mary of Guise was brought up in the charmed circles of the greatest French aristocracy .
23 Neeld 's daughter by his French mistress was brought up in the house .
24 It is simply that I was brought up in the East of Scotland and have lived in places whither the Orangemen walketh not , neither in triumph nor provocation .
25 A widow , now in her eighties , her husband was brought up in the house by his grandparents .
26 Born of humble parents early in the twelfth century , he was brought up in the fenlands round the Wash , and early in life wandered among the shoals and quicksands round the mouth of the Welland in search of wrecks and treasure .
27 I was brought up in the world of the arts because , apart from the Rothschild side which had some influence on me , my mother was a completely Bloomsbury figure , and her mother was a great friend of Matisse and a distinguished collector — she was a Strachey , very English .
28 At first the ideas appeared as rumours and reports : that , although it had not yet been announced , the US had already taken steps to halt the fighting ; that , in Washington , ambassador Bonnet had been called in and told that a settlement was imperative ; that if the matter was brought up in the UN the US would not necessarily support France ; that the US wished to ensure that no Lend-Lease weapons were being used ‘ to suppress Vietnam — although it was suspected they were ; and that the head of Southeast Asian Affairs at the State Department ( Mr A.L.
29 As a male Caucasian with a father who had died of a coronary thrombosis at the age of 59 , I was brought up in the smoky atmosphere of a northern industrial town .
30 It will be a generation or two no doubt before this determinedly old-fashioned room acknowledges one of the most remarkable of post-1945 French writers , the critic Roland Barthes , who was the complete Parisian intellectual but was brought up in the Basque country , went to school in Bayonne and all his life kept his house along the Adour , at tire .
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