Example sentences of "[was/were] bring up in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is noticeable that parents often react against their own experience so that , for example , if they were brought up in a too restrictive atmosphere with little spoiling , they may spoil and leave their children without enough boundaries and routine .
2 You were brought up in a hotbed of superstition and anarchy : you ca n't help it but it 's hopeless . ’
3 My brother and I were brought up in the Catholic faith .
4 This may seem idiotic to you , if you were brought up in the " filling-station " tradition .
5 Because the slave traders were brought up in the belief that every word of the Holy Bible was inspired by God , they honestly thought that they had divine sanction to enslave blacks .
6 However , the effect of experience on temperament is still limited by the horse 's genetic traits — for example , if both the naturally placid horse and the naturally nervous horse were brought up in the same rough environment , then the placid horse would still be less timid than the nervous one .
7 Previous generations were brought up in an age when it was thought not ‘ respectable ’ — especially for women — to enjoy sex ; and men and women over 50 or so were expected to be together ‘ for companionship ’ , to the exclusion of any sexual activity .
8 So I used to go with him , and incidently he was a , he was very good on classical music , although we never went into this although I 'd got very close to him but I 'm sure he were brought up in an orphanage you know , and never talked about this but I 'm sure he was .
9 The chances are almost two-to-one that he was brought up in a fatherless household .
10 Described as ‘ kind-hearted , yet … a lively and obstinate boy , , Tom was brought up in a prosperous house ( his father was a manager of a textile firm ) and was used to a well-stocked meal table .
11 I was brought up in a generation where there were only two kinds of girls — girls who did and girls who did n't .
12 Born in 1945 , Sutton was brought up in a Nissen hut , the son of a mechanic and a hairdresser .
13 In the case of Repton light-middleweight Leon Young , there was no encouraging influence at all as he was brought up in a Dr Barnardo 's home in Barkingside .
14 Similarly , Daley Thompson , the celebrated Essex Beagles decathlete , was brought up in a home where he was denied parental encouragement for his sport .
15 Moses was brought up in a high-ranking Egyptian family and then , later in life , led a lowly people , the Jews .
16 I was brought up in a hard school , Mrs Willow , and I do n't forget it .
17 I think with erm , I I was brought up in a household where it was com , completely legitimate to admit to being depressed and that you would just have to cope , I think cope perhaps my most
18 He knows exactly what she means — he was brought up in a street that might have been just round the corner .
19 I was brought up in a pit village near Bishop Auckland and I never knew my father .
20 But I was brought up in a Catholic Home you see .
21 ‘ Well , I was brought up in a vicarage myself and know how things are or can be , ’ he said confusedly .
22 He was brought up in a rough area of Bradford and he and his mates used to play against the front shop of my old mate and skipper Brian Close .
23 No heroes or heroines from TV ever entered my world , for I was brought up in a society that banned television .
24 I was brought up in a different era where you had to entertain yourself .
25 He was brought up in a car .
26 Mary of Guise was brought up in the charmed circles of the greatest French aristocracy .
27 Neeld 's daughter by his French mistress was brought up in the house .
28 It is simply that I was brought up in the East of Scotland and have lived in places whither the Orangemen walketh not , neither in triumph nor provocation .
29 A widow , now in her eighties , her husband was brought up in the house by his grandparents .
30 Born of humble parents early in the twelfth century , he was brought up in the fenlands round the Wash , and early in life wandered among the shoals and quicksands round the mouth of the Welland in search of wrecks and treasure .
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