Example sentences of "[was/were] need [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They totalled only some 10,000 regulars , perhaps 3000 of whom were needed to hold the 38 fortified strongholds in the country , particularly Plymouth , Portsmouth and Tilbury .
2 On a windy day , guy ropes were needed to hold the flat scenery upright .
3 Three men were needed to do the actual fitting of the tyre : two holding the tyre after they had taken it out of the oven , and one with a bucket of water to pour on to the felloes to stop them from taking fire as the tyre was clamped on .
4 Billions were needed to improve the urban infrastructure , a black mayor said at a Clinton-Brown debate , $6 billion , for a start , for a project in New Jersey .
5 A new and distinctive chapter was opening in relationships between the masses , more numerous , more literate , and better organized than ever before , and middle-class organizations and agencies who were realizing more urgently than ever before that new initiatives were needed to bridge the great abyss of class .
6 Firstly , Plan for Action assumed that it would be necessary to start with about 11% more career registrars than were needed to fill the expected consultant posts , whereas JPAC routinely accepts advice from specialty staffing representatives to calculate up to 50% more posts ( for example , in general medicine and obstetrics and gynaecology ) .
7 The imperial treasury had been seriously reduced by the war and substantial funds were needed to fill the depleted ranks in the army as rapidly as possible .
8 Four or five pulls were needed to start the new machine when the fuel lines were completely dry .
9 The relay satellites , each of which can relay 300 million bits of information , or about five million words , per second , were needed to handle the massive flow of data collected and immediately beamed down by Spacelab 's instruments .
10 Only small quantities of imported second-hand slates were needed to supplement the re-used material .
11 Supporters of an expanded manned space programme cited the recent example of astronauts achieving the successful deployment of the gamma ray observatory ( GRO ) in April 1991 [ see p. 38171 ] and argued that they were needed to correct the optical problems of the Hubble Space Telescope [ see pp. 37394 ; 37551 ] .
12 He promised additional internal measures , including special courts , secure prisons and special protection for judges , but added that increased international co-operation was needed to spread the financial cost of drug enforcement in order to ensure stricter controls on drug distribution networks , money laundering , and the sale of arms and chemical components .
13 The technology that was needed to cultivate the high-yield grains successfully often had to be imported , which led to the suggestion that food dependency was being exchanged for technological dependency .
14 But for the whole country to flourish , the richer regions must yield all they could spare to help feed and develop the poorer ; and the manpower , too , must be deployed where it was needed to defend the vulnerable harbours and pirate bases of the north and the west , with all the consequent problems of travel in that wild land of mountain and river .
15 In this particular example , only a very small amount of the green was needed to change the yellow in comparison with the large amount of yellow that was required to influence the green .
16 Some conception of destructive energy , what has been called above ‘ negative energy ’ ( not a term used by Freud ) , was needed to counterbalance the positive , life-affirming energy of the sexual instincts .
17 The 1964 Labour Government was elected on a tide of impatience at the slackening pace of social reform , but also of optimism that little more than economic growth , fuelled by technological change , was needed to remove the main causes of urban deprivation ( MacGregor , 1981 ) .
18 This increased revenue was needed to meet the dramatic costs of assisting the war effort [ see below ] and of financing vastly increased domestic defence spending , including arms purchases from the United States to the value of US$6,750 million , approved in November by the US Congress .
19 Prominent racing historian Reg Green said urgent action was needed to prevent the National that never was becoming the National without a future .
20 Prominent racing historian Reg Green said urgent action was needed to prevent the National that never was turning into the National without a future .
21 Much more information was needed to make the correct decision .
22 But much more information was needed to make the faithful model the men wanted to produce .
23 All that was needed to make the fair a truly international gathering of the publishing community was a large contingent of American publishers .
24 Merciar , who now chaired the Movement ( formerly Platform ) for a Democratic Slovakia ( HZDS ) , argued that the unity of all forces was needed to solve the fundamental problems of Slovakia 's relationship to the Czech Lands , and to halt economic decline .
25 A spokesman for Lothian Health Board said last night that an appropriate salary package was needed to attract the right calibre of staff .
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