Example sentences of "[was/were] [not/n't] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The foregoing would , of course , mean that property rights were not for the dispensation of some imagined ‘ god ’ of early superstitious religion , but existed by virtue of the fact that human beings have , in the course of time , generally agreed that such a right was ‘ good ’ , for the reason that without it there could be no peaceful existence and no contentment .
2 The Rev Aaron Longwe , who has been detained and tortured by the regime for speaking out about corruption , told a gathering of former missionaries at the Kirk 's headquarters in Edinburgh : ‘ If it were not for the Church of Scotland some of us would have been dead by now . ’
3 Well , Mrs. Jewkes , if it were not for the thought of that cursed parson I believe in my heart , so great is my weakness , that I could yet forgive this intriguing little slut and take her to my bosom .
4 If it were not for the possibility of physical delivery of the underlying cash market good by the seller of the futures contract to the buyer , there would be no mechanism to guarantee convergence of futures and spot prices .
5 The theatre was not something of which her parents would have approved , such frivolous pleasures were not for the likes of hard-working shoemakers .
6 There was even talk , Frank 's idea , of going to Ireland ( European tours , filling me with excitement at the very thought , were not for the likes of us ) .
7 ‘ requiring a seat belt ’ Means per regulation 6 of the Motor Vehicles ( wearing of Seat Belts ) Regulation 1982 : ‘ The classes of vehicle mentioned in regulation 4 are ( a ) a vehicle to which Regulation 46 of the Construction and Use Regulations applies ( see later ) ; and ( b ) a vehicle which is equipped with anchorage points and seat belts and to which that Regulation would apply if it were not for the circumstances that the vehicle —
8 If it were not for the scenes written after his marriage , The Elder Statesman would have been by far the grimmest play he had ever written .
9 He also remarked , significantly : If it were not for the Union , I venture to think that women would be all over the London trade .
10 Any cheers that met his statement — which was not heard in silence — were not for the General-Secretary but for his concessions .
11 Ironically , the Great War would not have been the war that it was if it were not for the machine .
12 If it were not for the fact that he was one of the favourites you 'd have been delighted but as a Gold Cup winner I had to feel a bit disappointed .
13 This would be a useful feature if it were not for the fact that a certain amount of vaginal discharge is perfectly normal and natural for a woman in her reproductive years ; and what is more , this natural discharge is subject to a fair amount of variation depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle .
14 This would not matter very much ( for it would always be possible for individual candidates to prove the expectation wrong ) , if it were not for the fact that whole papers in the final examination , or certain questions on papers , are to be ‘ differentiated ’ .
15 But why ( if it were not for the fact that one is a Christian ) should one be wanting to stay with the experience of women within the biblical tradition ?
16 He did not enjoy such visits now , and would have been tempted to abandon them if it were not for the fact that people might gossip .
17 Yet if it were not for the eclipses of May , June and November , Pisceans might think they could get off comparatively lightly .
18 From what has been said above , it will be clear that the Oxford English Dictionary Department would not be what it is , if it were not for the Supplement project lying at the heart of its work .
19 He would have laughed if it were not for the echo of the screaming in his head .
20 The clumsiness is evident in the standard of ‘ the reasonable man ’ , an anthropomorphic ( and male ) standard which might be taken to suggest a paragon of virtue if it were not for the context of partially exculpating a killing by such a person .
21 It would be idle to speculate on what the figures might have been if it were not for the security situation .
22 It is rather unexpectedly glutinous and flabby to the touch — all-in-all rather unpleasant , if it were not for the splash of vivid yellow it gives to an otherwise sombre winter hedgerow .
23 if it were n't for the games
24 She 's one of several who 'd be unable to study if it were n't for the nursery .
25 Or I would be if it were n't for the circumstances .
26 Mr Lewis seemed angry that he could n't enjoy his freedom in the country due to the army — but he would n't be able to enjoy his freedom at all , if it were n't for the army .
27 If it were n't for the bit I earn I daresay me and my bairns would be in Dudley House an' all .
28 If it were n't for the tailpiece , there would be distinct LP Junior/Melody Maker overtones , especially in view of Larry 's choice of pickup .
29 IF IT were n't for the presence of two eclipses , December would be one of the better months of the year .
30 ‘ If it were n't for the children , I would , ’ Ernest admitted .
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