Example sentences of "[was/were] [not/n't] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 To remind them that their rule was derived from God himself , and that they were neither creators nor rulers by right , God forbade them only one thing : they were not to partake of the knowledge of good and evil ; such a mysterious gnosis belonged to God alone .
2 Central bodies were not to negotiate on the transfer of facilities to Lithuanian jurisdiction ( on March 13 the Lithuanian Supreme Council had passed a bill establishing the principle of Lithuanian jurisdiction over all economic facilities in the republic currently held solely by the USSR central authorities or jointly with Lithuania ) .
3 But , my Lord Mayor , Labour were not to know in the early eighties how popular the Tenants Right to Buy would be .
4 They were not to learn of the German reaction for some nine months , when the commandos again visited the Lofoten Islands , but the world heard for the first time of British commandos that night in German broadcasts : ‘ Light naval forces destroyed several fishing boats and landed commandos in the Norwegian skerries where they took prisoner some Germans and Norwegians . ’
5 Their father made it clear they were not to blame for the situation and today neither recalls feeling guilty .
6 IMF boss Michel Camdessus praised Germany 's tough policies and insisted that its interest rates were not to blame for the chaos .
7 The ‘ Golden Age ’ of English agriculture was over ; after the 1860s it entered a period of decline from which it was not to recover until the Second World War .
8 What you quickly learned was not to sit on the end of the row , because the usherettes would pass the trays down the row and as soon as everybody was served they 'd give the nod to the projectionist , the lights would go down again , and on the film would go .
9 The tax was not to fall upon the very poor : only those with incomes of £2 per annum or goods of £3. 6s. 8d. were to be approached .
10 One of Jacob Rothschild 's first decisions as Chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund was not to acquire for the nation the most comprehensive collection in England of naive art shop signs , weather vanes , country furniture , marine samplers and quilts , made between 1750 and 1900 offered by dealer/collector Andras Kalman .
11 Yet the choreography is by a Russian who studied among the Spanish peasants and worked out his design with the help of a particular peasant , a natural dancer , whose passion for dance was such that his life ended tragically when he found he was not to perform in the ballet .
12 The expedition was not to start until the beginning of May , five days away , and she knew with absolute certainty that the word of it was to come to them from her .
13 This was a figure of actual spending that a department was not to overshoot in the coming year whatever happened to prices or the wages and salaries of its employees in the interim .
14 But I received another note from Mellowes ; it said I was not to leave the office ; I was not to answer the phone ; above all I was not to speak to the press .
15 This would give him eighteen months ' salary as compensation for loss of office , and his pension was not to begin until the eighteen month period had elapsed .
16 But in a statement to an inquest in Bishop Auckland yesterday , Jacob Blenkinsop , of Northam Close , Stainton Park , Middlesbrough , said truck driver Ian Burrige was not to blame for the accident near Sedgefield on March 5 .
17 His wish was not to rake over the past of men who had lived peacefully in this country since they came to Britain as refugees after the war , he said .
18 It was n't to do with the women , they still resembled their ancestors well enough .
19 The contact was more than either of them could bear , and it was n't to do with the heat .
20 Said that I was n't to go to the Lab this morning because Mrs. Schofield wanted me over at Leamings particular .
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