Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv prt] and [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the complex , indirect manner of Chinese politics , this piece confirmed that the ultra-leftist policies were over and a new political era had begun .
2 It was the happiest time of the day : lessons were over and the long written homework could not be started .
3 When those brief moments of ecstasy were over and the everyday world took precedence again , they stood in shocked silence while Bert Rafferty carried Celia up the cliff .
4 It 's a tiny little things you know er in glass cases now there are a few at bus stops but a lot of people do n't use bus stops any more you know they drive erm I know that posters great hoardings that we some of us probably grew up with when everybody knew what was on and the great big posters everywhere .
5 The Boer War was on and the first sort of major conflict erm in the period of movie history , and naturally people wanted to see what the war was like .
6 They did give me the name of the hospital Salome was in and the taller one told me that the accident had happened ‘ just off the M20 near Wrotham ’ , but they had no more details , they were just running errands for the Kent police .
7 Her stern was down and a sharp list helped us to cut loose the lifeboat , which dropped heavily into the water .
8 Unemployment stood at 9.8 per cent , industrial output was down and a 1990 hard-currency trade surplus of nearly US$4,000 million was expected to turn into a $1,000 million deficit in 1991 .
9 After the funeral was over and the bereaved student returned to college , instead of going up to him and holding him — or even just politely commiserating with him — most students ignored him .
10 His feelings reached their bitter climax a few months later , when the war was over and the defeated French were in the throes of the Commune rising .
11 Normally , she thoroughly enjoyed her Thursday afternoons ; today , she was thankful when the session was over and the aspiring authors trooped out , clutching their masterpieces and chanting their thanks .
12 After the meeting was over and the main demonstration had dispersed , some civil rights supporters succeeded in infiltrating to Market Square by a roundabout route .
13 The wind showed no signs of abating , but the tide was out and the inner basin was an expanse of fine , yellow sand .
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