Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv prt] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When they were about to leave for the restaurant , a man standing near the bar came up to Kevin and said , ‘ If ye 're wanting a place here , the Half House is on the market . ’
2 It transpired that the previous day he had been in Liverpool and given an interview to the Daily Telegraph which had been interpreted to mean that we were about to call in the troops .
3 The boys were about to go into the building again after their first successful looting when suddenly somebody shouted : ‘ I Tedeschi , i Tedeschi arrivano ! ’
4 Before this game we were told that this was the poorest Irish team in memory , that Irish rugby was in the doldrums and that the swashbuckling French were about to turn on the after-burners and skyrocket into the stratosphere .
5 The accident happened just as the duo were about to turn into the hairpin before the pits straight on the Adelaide street circuit .
6 He had been dreaming that he and his friend Aidan Lynch were on Death Row in some American prison and they were about to die in the electric chair .
7 She 'd never seen either of us in a suit before — we were running them in , checking for labels we 'd missed and so on — and we had stood on her doorstep as if we were about to launch into the ‘ Have you heard the Good News … ’ routine .
8 Reggane was on the route from Oran , and we were about to transfer to the route from Algiers , along a one hundred and eighty mile dog-leg .
9 Just as we were about to paddle along the once road we heard a shout from Matthew 's mum for us to go and collect her .
10 In the bottom of the pit there is a corresponding calm — it is the still centre of the spiral — and an odd sense of hollowness , as if you were about to drop into the deeps of the earth 's psyche ( and of your own ) like a stone down a mineshaft .
11 The were about to select from the sweet trolley when , at a nod from his mother , the proprietor dimmed the houselights and a young waitress brought in a surprise birthday cake , the reflection from the candles throwing her face into warm relief .
12 Benjamin gripped my wrist and nodded but , just as we were about to step into the boat , he clapped his hands together .
13 Then it was back to relax in the Granby Village leisure complex with its swimming pool , Jacuzzi , sauna and gymnasium before going out on the town to enjoy a slap-up meal .
14 Holland gained few glimpses of goal after that , although Taffarel failed to hold a hard low centre from Berghuis eight minutes before half-time and was fortunate that no Dutchman was around to pounce on the loose ball .
15 ‘ Do n't let me stop you ! ’ she exclaimed quickly when she saw he was about to call for the bill — and immediately wished that she had n't .
16 Brazil had only five cases of infection but the real fear was that cholera was about to spread from the Peruvian into the Brazilian Amazonian river system .
17 It was as he was about to emerge from the far end of the wood that the figure on the ground brought him to a standstill .
18 Ace was about to shut off the power , abandon the speeder and enter the smoking blackness of the.building , when she heard Daak 's voice .
19 He was about to move towards the back door when Mrs Robson appeared .
20 She turned away and was about to swing into the jeep when he strode forward and barred her way with the racket across the open doorway .
21 I was about to refer to the order dealing with access .
22 She felt sad and immensely tired that she was about to see for the first time how Eddie had died .
23 Many of the Moslem kings now came forward with tributes and it seemed , briefly , that most of Moorish Spain was about to fall to the Christians .
24 For at seven o'clock in the morning of 20 August in that year , the inscription has it , just as the citadel was about to fall to the besiegers , a white cross was seen in the sky ‘ above and to the right of the town ’ , which then became a crucifix whose crown turned encouragingly ( for the French ) into a royal fleur-de-lis .
25 Perhaps Hambury was about to turn into the place Biff had originally described to them back at the workhouse .
26 and was about to turn off the gas jets when her father appeared in the doorway .
27 Lewis had backed the car a few feet down the ramp and was about to turn towards the Cherwell Arms when he heard his master 's voice — a single hissed and incredulous blasphemy :
28 Quite often , the dream was interpreted as an allegory for what was about to happen to the dreamer .
29 After all , there was no need for Doreen to learn of what was about to happen to the house .
30 Julia was about to descend to the kitchen when the bell pealed again .
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