Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And erm we used to go into the assembly hall every morning for prayer and then we should just go up to the erm we we used to go upstairs to the er to the classrooms which were off a long corridor .
2 In the modern age , institutions outside the family have been created to administer public affairs and women were for a long time expressly excluded .
3 The provisional Cost Allowances for the accommodation were for a 24-bed unit 430,000 and for a 30-bed unit £500,000 .
4 Both of them were for a free market , the introduction of Lithuania 's own currency and withdrawal of Russian troops .
5 My original thoughts were for a 3-week tour but after consideration and discussion a longer period seems preferable ; I 'm therefore thinking of 8 weeks , from mid-Feb. to mid-April , but of course if your time is limited you could return independently .
6 I remember a morning like that in Derbyshire … a morning with so much Day-Glo orange cardboard sprouting on poles from so many fields that by 11am I was near suicide — a mood that ended with the discovery that the posters were for a popular brand of fertiliser .
7 If time were as a looped conveyor belt , endlessly revolving , with past , present and future all existing simultaneously , our constrained human view would be of just one thin sliver across this belt .
8 The woods kept by the woodwards were as a general rule also subject to the authority of the king 's foresters ; if the latter discovered a Forest offence there which had not been reported by the woodward , the wood was seized and the woodward attached to answer for his default .
9 As for the merits of the original illustrations as works of art , to my own taste at least the first impressions were of a certain period quality — with Wade 's occasional curvaceous nudes and sports car profiles intruded into the abstract geometries bringing memories of Victor Vasarely 's more lamentable lapses into commercial vulgarity , In the end , however , Wade 's sheer enthusiasm and invention persuaded me into a renewed fascination .
10 The Italian capital was experiencing , even by its own standards , a heatwave , and the two hotels that were provided by the authorities as the Athletes ' Village were of a mediocre calibre .
11 The leads were of a good quality and that is obviously important . ’
12 A Hoechst spokesman said the fumes were of a concentrated form of sulphuric acid which is irritating to the eyes and throat ; he said it was unclear how much material had leaked or how it had happened .
13 If they were of a kindly nature they stayed that way , if they were narrow , tactless , or big-headed they stayed that way .
14 After four weeks there were significant improvements in symptoms as well as sigmoidoscopic and histological grades that were of a similar degree in both groups .
15 My friends were of a similar disposition .
16 To begin with , they were of a similar age : Jane 's children were older because she had started to breed younger .
17 Being gay for me meant identifying with people who were of a similar age to myself and with a particular way of dressing .
18 One official said that the two shared a similar background and were of a similar age and added that , knowing the Prime Minister , he was sure they would establish a rapport .
19 The other members of the court were of a similar view .
20 Early works ( Darling , 1947 & Darling & Boyd , 1964 ) were of a general nature , but contained a great deal of botanical information from the Outer Hebrides .
21 The Task Force set themselves a tall order , comprised as they were of a wide range of largely voluntary community groups diverse experience of land-use issues and perceptions of the problems — spanning local issues to National land-related policies .
22 This was during the mid 1980 's and the group was of moderate size and the productions were of a moderate standard also .
23 Neither the seamen nor their leaders , Shinwell admitted , had heard of the Queensberry rules ; " they had one common characteristic , a belief that toughness and a bellicose attitude were as good a rule of life as any and while many seamen were of a friendly disposition and hated trouble , some would attack from the rear and use a razor or a broken bottle " .
24 The sounds recorded in Grosvenor Square were of a sleeping man shifting position , rolling over and resuming his slumbers .
25 They offered in effect a free counselling service and many of the problems brought to them were of a spiritual nature , which in itself showed the high level of spiritual and religious interest in England during the fourteenth century .
26 he was Vietnamese presumably the comments were of a racist nature ?
27 Owners had ( by law ) to ensure , for example , that their properties were in good sanitary condition , that new buildings conformed to certain building standards , that streets were of a minimum width , and so on .
28 But if er John came last week and to all of us we were of a like mind that yes , he fitted the calling here everything else I , I see then that the manse would be the issue but basically now we 're talking in many ways other issues are affecting the call here than the manse so therefore the manse goes down the , the pecking order .
29 Her white silk jacket and trousers were of a masculine cut and she looked androgynous and faintly degenerate — an irresistible combination to the sexually confused .
30 Thucydides , an acute social historian when he wants to be , remarks that ‘ most of the dealings between the Spartans and their helots were of a precautionary character ’ ( iv.80 ) , and tells a suitably laconic story of two thousand specially manly helots who were garlanded and led round the temples as if they were about to be given their freedom ; they were never seen again and nobody knew what happened to them .
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