Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] [adv] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Nine thousand years ago they were about as warm as today , though there was more ice present .
2 Yet he had made no secret of his opinion that women and boats were about as compatible as oil and water .
3 The terms of exchange between manufacturers and agricultural produce moved swiftly to the disadvantage of the towns ; a pair of boots which in 1913 had been worth 283lb. of rye flour was worth as little as 133lb. by May 1922 .
4 With upwards of four-fifths of people here having less than 30s. in personal property , nobody at all was worth as much as 40s. in one township out of every three , especially upland ones like Arncliff , Hellifield and Kettlewell , though these were not the only ones .
5 Another sneeze dawned and he reached yet again for his handkerchief , an object which Milton felt was about as disgusting as anything he had ever seen outside the occasional severed head in a motorway accident .
6 In the press , in the House of Commons , in reports to government departments and in popular folklore there emerged the evacuee stereotype — a dirty , lice-ridden and foul-mouthed urchin who wet the bed with monotonous regularity , preferred fish and chips to a proper three-course meal and was about as domesticated as a wildcat ; similarly , the evacuee mother appeared as a negligent slut , impossible to live with and having the vocabulary of a Billingsgate fish porter .
7 It was about as long as an arm .
8 She was about as friendly as you 'd expect , but she told me he was n't home .
9 It was about as dangerous as any darting operation can be , but the Sri Lankan trackers readily volunteered to go with Hofmeyr .
10 ft was about as frustrating as trying to masturbate with your hands tied behind your back .
11 Staying on here was about as possible as flying to the moon .
12 He was about as welcoming as you are .
13 Betrayal was about as close as he could get .
14 Videodrome , in which sleazy TV programmer James Woods developed a VCR slot in his stomach , was about as Burroughsian as you can get .
15 I mean it it sounds stupid , but a person I knew , she was about as stupid as i was as naive as I was , because er she was pregnant , her husband was n't away but she 'd got how many , five , four children , she 'd lost three children and she 'd got , then she had four , and then she found herself pregnant again .
16 Niall Grant was about as vulnerable as a shark !
17 Trying to escape him was about as feasible as trying to escape a very big shark in a very small fish tank .
18 Bloodstock was about as useful as Aunt Tossie 's embroidered parrots , perched , or flying , or elaborately caged , on every cushion and stool in the house .
19 But having rejected a compromise which , for boxing , was about as good as it gets , he ca n't continue claiming innocence if it leads to the heavyweight division again disintegrating into chaos .
20 ‘ I was about as low as I could be .
21 Reflecting that the librarian 's opinion of academics was about as low as hers of journalists , Loretta asked politely for the current Who 's Who .
22 The reception area was about as broad as it was long .
23 In sporting terms , it was about as relevant as a showing of Treasure Hunt or Interceptor — the TV game shows which have occupied her recently .
24 The whole place was about as private as Grand Central Station on Glasgow Fair Saturday .
25 It was about as strong as stale hard cheese .
26 That was about as welcome as a stick of shit in the tub-water .
27 ‘ I think his career was about as dramatic as sport can get .
28 My year between school and university was about as creative as the period Terry Waite spent in captivity staring at a concrete wall with only his postcard of John Bunyan for reading matter , but I did spend the first few weeks of it in the typing class of a comprehensive school in Hackney .
29 The Volkswagen Passat was about as glamorous as a visit to the supermarket , which was what it was principally used for .
30 First time I went to London , I was about as old as Emily , I went with , we went with the Brownies for the trip , we went to the zoo
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