Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] so [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Pat was more sympathetic , but also admitted that she had become irritable with Tony now that he was spending so much time at home .
2 Reveals a source : ‘ Chris reckoned he deserved the best as he was spending so much time and money in the place . ’
3 Very few athletes enter sport without the assistance and encouragement of a teacher who might innocently create serious tensions , as with Jackie Jackson , whose PE teacher strengthened her commitment to athletics , a commitment which proved destructive to her educational aims , as she pointed out : ‘ I was spending so much time in athletics that I could n't give enough time to my ‘ A ’ levels . ’
4 Well , the city was n't a nice place to live because of all the silly laws the merchant had passed , and people started to leave it and go to other towns and other countries , and the merchant was spending so much time passing new laws and trying to make people obey the ones he 'd already passed that his own business started to fail , and eventually the city was almost deserted , and the merchant found that he owed people much more money than he had in the bank , and even though he sold his house and everything he owned he was still broke ; he was thrown out of his house and out of the city too , because he had become a beggar , and beggars were n't allowed in the city .
5 The money was n't the problem though , the real pisser was investing so much time and effort for zero return and knowing we deserved more .
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