Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] [pers pn] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er I thought you did well in erm giving yourself credibility by talking about the shares , oh yes you can have two hundred and fifty pounds per month in the shares and they 've done well and I said oh yes they have done well , and I felt good that you were praising me up for being such a clever chap , and so I thought that was all , all jolly good stuff .
2 Always out for a laugh , I mentioned that his volumes of ‘ free verse ’ were costing me up to $2. per copy , and he promised to send me his next book .
3 You were holding it up to the window . ’
4 Those wicked dark eyes of his were lifting her up into another planet .
5 The DHSS were playing me up over the removal grant , so one of my sons went up to the house to see if there were any letters — everything had been smashed , crocks were smashed and the beds were slashed .
6 They mentioned that you and Anna walked a hundred miles and that you were following it up with a heavy date .
7 Then I realised this was unusual for an owl , because in the wild they tend to swallow their prey whole , so I simply stopped holding on to the chick and soon she was gobbling it up in one .
8 He was not using it to further his own human development , he was using it up for the profit of the people who paid him , the anonymous shareholders and their abstract interests .
9 Hilary was depressed at your long absence ; I was cheering her up with photographs of your sporting exploits , which hang , as you know , in the master bedroom .
10 As the girl played the woman dilated her nostrils and rose slightly off the piano stool , as if someone was drawing her up by an invisible wire attached to the crown of her head .
11 She was confused , one of her friends was picking her up at the studios that afternoon , not M. Apéritif , but a doe-eyed Persian who was — he said — training to be an engineer .
12 ‘ She was picking them up at random and saying things like , ‘ This boy 's in a wheelchair but that does n't stop him giving me the eye , ’ or , ‘ This is the college stud but he cuts no ice with me . ’ ’
13 He was saving it up for a rainy day .
14 The next thing I knew he was pulling me up by my hair .
15 The issue , as far as I can see , and I was told , when I was growing it up in school , about the holocaust and that we must ensure that everybody remembers about the holocaust in Germany , and that it should never ever be allowed to happen again .
16 And wished he had n't because , two weeks later , Donald was holding him up with a sawn-off shotgun for an hour and a half .
17 Mike was holding it up for Mr. Rowbotham to see .
18 It was a full fifteen feet and the offshore wind was holding it up like a crystal tower .
19 ‘ How did you feel , ’ he said , ‘ when the monkey was holding you up on the roof ? ’
20 Now , his security escort was dishing him up to her on a plate .
21 Now I was looking at the other fella a strong comparison , I was mixing him up with I
22 I had a lot of hassle cos I was mixing it up with D R DOS .
23 She was also clutching his knee and he was swinging her up on his foot at every step and she was screaming and laughing .
24 Anne was surprised that nobody was taking her up on it .
25 Dad paid over the four shillings and while he was entering it up in the book said , ‘ Mr Priest , I was wondering if yer could give me permission to build a small wooden shed facing the house ? ’
26 Scamp turned to reach down into one of the boxes of groceries that were scattered over the floor but I did n't see what he was after as Nevil was lifting me up by the shoulders .
27 He was setting it up by way of defence to her application for leave to proceed on the judgment .
28 She was n't quite sure what he was summing her up for but he was certainly doing that .
29 He had made his right hand into a fist and was jabbing it up at the sky , feinting in the direction of the falling missile .
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