Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Right at the beginning someone said they were enjoying life at the moment because they were able to do what they wanted to do in Scotland .
2 Five more oilfields were producing oil from the North Sea continental shelf in 1976 , including the massive Brent and Alpha fields .
3 The Congress of People 's Deputies voted overwhelmingly in favour of renaming the Russian Federation ‘ Russia ’ , but within minutes members from the republics which make up the huge state were demanding restoration of the word ‘ federation ’ .
4 At that time several scholars , notably William Hoskins and Maurice Beresford , were drawing attention to the large number of deserted medieval settlements which could be seen in the landscape .
5 However , there was substantial US Congressional opposition to a free trade pact with Mexico ; the US unions and the citrus and textile industries were drawing attention to the job losses which such an agreement could entail for the USA , while environmental groups lobbied to warn of the implications of Mexico 's less stringent controls on industry .
6 By 5pm , the bridal pair were speeding south to the Princess 's Gatcombe Park estate in the Cotswolds .
7 It was that in no way was I going to bring a coffin from Stoke-on-Trent to Llandderfel on the roof-rack of a Metro and that they were driving north for the weekend and would stop off and pick it up on the way home .
8 The moral confusion bred in the late 1960s lingered and the Left were gaining strength in the SPD with criticisms of the US alliance , authoritarianism in the state and environmental problems .
9 BY the time Mark Wright lifted the FA Cup on Saturday even those outside the North-East were becoming sick of the spoon-fed memories of 1973 .
10 Civil engineers were checking damage at the site yesterday .
11 Tsutomu Hata , a former Agriculture Minister , had supported moves to dismantle Japan 's ban on foreign rice imports , which were causing dissent at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [ see also p. 38148 ] , and he was known to favour a reduction in interest rates .
12 The JNA agreed to withdraw Montenegrin reservists from Mostar in Bosnia where they were causing friction with the local population .
13 They were causing distress to the firm 's staff and amounted to a nuisance .
14 The trees were rustling silver in the moonlight and the garden , as always , waved its grass nonchalantly , trying to suggest that nothing was going on .
15 You were pushing film to the limits , working at 3200 asa .
16 There was initial optimism that there had been a breakthrough in relations between Syria and Israel , but by Aug. 27 , Palestinian negotiators were expressing disappointment at the detailed autonomy proposals presented by the new Labour government .
17 Italy campaign was winding down ; the Bulgarians were seeking peace by the late summer ; a peasant revolt in Hungary caused the Austrian-Hungary Monarchy to waiver and the full deployment of the fresh U.S.A. troops had the effect of causing the Germans to realise that they could not win the war .
18 Equally obviously the questioners were seeking confirmation of the rituals they believed had taken place ; rituals that included real or simulated sexual acts between adults and children in the hours of darkness ; acts that included ritualistic music , dance and dress .
19 in spite of continuing claims of IT skill shortages in 1984 , one-third of students completing IT Advanced Courses did not have a job to go to and were seeking employment at the end of their courses ;
20 Five or six stones had toppled from the pile and were lying half-buried in the snow , and some red and white cloth streamers that had been tied to a branch of the tree fluttered slightly in the breeze , torn and faded from the wind and rain .
21 Northumbrian Water closed water inlets at Broken Scar on Tuesday night , but they were extracting water from the River Tees again by Thursday lunchtime .
22 Well , next morning we were cleaning silver in the butler 's pantry and the bell rang calling us to breakfast and this is where the fun began .
23 The Daughters would n't have enough water with them to waste on her , but the children were shovelling sand at the woman , trying to smother the flames .
24 Unless we were adding value to the constituent parts of the group it seemed to us that our plain duty would be to break the group into smaller constituent parts and hand them back to the shareholders .
25 They were heading south-west along the road to Kinsai .
26 suggested that they were paying lip-service to the wider social norms of tolerance , which conflicted with their inner psychological motives .
27 Outside in the courtyard lay brothers were moving baggage from the carts to sumpter ponies whose iron-shod hooves scraped the cobbles , their hot breath hanging like clouds as they whinnied in protest at being taken from their warm stables .
28 We were haemorrhaging money on the house .
29 I first started to go when they were getting promotion to the second division the last few matches in the third division .
30 During the troubled times between 1880 and 1883 , when the Fenians were active , ( the IRA of that time ) , and successive dynamite outrages were arousing consternation throughout the country , an anonymous communication was received on the eve of one of Her Majesty 's periodical journeys warning the Government that an attempt would be made to wreck the Royal Train .
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