Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] [pron] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But it was true ; it was only a sign of their stupidity or their fear ? — that they were taking him so seriously .
2 She paused , feeling a shiver work its way down her spine as she met the black eyes that were regarding her so closely now .
3 She could tell that Dr Neil was looking at her most sceptically , although he was touching her so gently that the black fear which she had felt before she had fainted did not return — and pooh to his suspicions !
4 And how come Neil Cochrane was amusing her so easily without even trying ?
5 What was absorbing him so deeply , I realize as I go by , was the sight of his own living-room , with the curtains innocently open , and his wife and Millie moving silently about the bright world inside .
6 And you , ’ she added , greatly daring — but , since the Master was quizzing her so relentlessly , why should she not quiz the Master ?
7 She could n't reply , he was holding her so tightly ; and , in any case , there was nothing she wanted to say .
8 He had gathered her closer in his arms , he was holding her so tightly that she could n't tell whose heartbeat it was she felt throbbing within her bones , his or hers .
9 She was holding it so tight the hook was embedded in her flesh .
10 She was almost angry that he was taking it so calmly .
11 She was fighting him so hard , resisting him with everything she had .
12 Oh , all this was making it so much harder to refuse .
13 She was watching him so intently as he bit into it that he began to wonder if Smallfry was right to fear she would poison him at the slightest opportunity .
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