Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [prep] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 Calls made from it were traced by police to the homes of witnesses due to give evidence in trials on Tyneside .
2 But he could also be dismayed if Christians were heard by pagans to be talking nonsense about nature .
3 Finally , before leaving the harmful insects , mention must be made of horrid little blighters that for long were regarded as exceptions to the normal methods of control .
4 Though circumstances are so changed it is relevant to remember that in their heyday syllabubs were regarded as refreshments to be offered at card parties , ball suppers and at public entertainments , rather than just as a pudding for lunches and dinners , although they did quite often figure as part of the dessert in the days when a choice of sweetmeats , fruits , jellies , confectionery and creams was set out in a formal symmetrical array in the centre of the table .
5 They were treated for burns to their hands and arms at Raigmore Hospital , Inverness .
6 Sealstones and frescoes often depict cult scenes ; stone vessels were often intended for cult use ; the finest faience figurines were idols ; the metal and clay figurines and miniature double-axes were intended as offerings to deities ; the recurring marine motif on the pottery and in frescoes may have had a cult association with the worship of Poseidon .
7 These lessons were contained in revisions to the constitution and in the explanatory legislation that codified its clauses .
8 The Chamber of Deputies , by 126 votes to 69 , with 12 abstentions , on March 29 approved a law allowing abortions during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy for women who were deemed by doctors to be " in a state of distress " .
9 The swelling letters pages were occupied with responses to Michael Eaves , a correspondent who had suggested axing the ‘ What 's Happening ’ section , record reviews , and ads from the paper — which would have neatly killed it some years before its time — led by a contribution from one of It 's founders , David Mairowitz , ‘ who broke his b***s [ asterisks his ] seeing that It 1–10 got put together and printed . ’
10 He was expecting to take his evening meal with five or six others in one corner of a dining-room designed to seat a hundred but , in fact , all the tables were occupied by delegates to some conference and he was asked to share with two of them .
11 The following memorandum was presented by Vial , and read by the secretary : ‘ When the Members of the Veterinary College were occupied by objects to which I was in no wise competent I was absolutely silent — but now that it is a question to chuse [ sic ] a convenient situation for the establishment of the College , I think it a duty incumbent on me to give my advice on this important point .
12 Disaffected Cantarero supporters were considered by observers to be a danger to future constitutional order .
13 An emotional reunion after more than fifty years has taken place today , between two Britons who were evacuated as children to the United States and their American foster mother .
14 Just as the colonial nations developed sugar from beet when they were threatened with disruptions to their cane sugar supply in the 19th century , so modern chemistry is developing sweeteners in the laboratory that rely even less upon raw materials .
15 Concrete flyovers , wholesale clearance for new routes , and concern over noise and lead pollution , were seen as affronts to living conditions ; in the environmentally conscious 1970s new highway planning became politically beleaguered .
16 On assumption of power labour attempted to implement a programme of progressive reform but in pursuit of this adopted methods that were seen by opponents to be an open challenge to representative democracy .
17 In the vast majority of cases , soil conservation measures were seen by land-users to be a symptom of oppression either by a colonial regime or by small interlocking urban elites .
18 The extent to which central training staff of local authorities were seen by libraries to be involved in their training was examined , and the provision of central courses they offered was also looked at ( in Chapter 5 ) , leading to the conclusion that central training provision reflects the overall policy of , and general commitment to training of the parent authority , and thus is likely to coincide with existence of other resources .
19 England were hampered by injuries to the Hightown pair , goalkeeper Carolyn Reid and striker Tina Cullen , which prevented both from playing .
20 The counties with the most charters are Kent , Somerset and Worcestershire , and here large blocks of land were defined from the seventh century onwards , particularly when they were granted from kings to early monasteries .
21 Sometimes we get feedback : in the 1991 campaign on Morocco , over 10,000 members sent birthday cards to King Hassan containing a message about human rights ; as part of our campaign for the inclusion of human rights within the National Curriculum , over 3000 letters were written by members to MPs and ministers .
22 One should remember , however , that similar criticisms were levied at delegates to the Church Congresses of the period .
23 so therefore then your doors were connected by hinges to the keel and from the keel to the cones , that 's where your door was , so that 'd swing on the keel and then your chains were fixed to the other end of the door and you hauled that up on your cones .
24 Approximately 5 105 plaques of a human fetal brain ZAP II cDNA library ( Stratagene ; Catalog Nr.936206 ) were transferred in duplicates to Plaquescreen Filters ( DuPont ) and then screened with a randomly primed mixture of 5 106 cpm of radiolabelled POU domain DNA fragments of the oct-2 cDNA ( pos. 586–1077 ) and the oct-6 cDNA ( pos. 706–1232 ; generously provided by Dr. Hans Schöler , Heidelberg ) according to standard procedures described in detail in chapter 6.3 in [ 16 ] .
25 The older , rusticated students were moved by appeals to their sense of national duty ( as well as by threats ) , while the younger students wished to revive anti-Japanese feeling because of what they perceived as the ‘ second Japanese invasion ’ .
26 Other places associated with Ceauşescu 's career , like the prisons at Doftana or Caransebes , were made into shrines to his onward march through life and became regular centres of his cult .
27 The reverses were attributed by observers to the impact of inflation and credit controls and the frustration of some of the expectations aroused by recent economic growth .
28 These flat files were used as inputs to the contig-building software , together with ancilliary files giving information about the positions of any mapped probes and any contigs that had been determined previously .
29 A variety of tempers were used as additives to clays ; whether the choice was conscious or not has yet to be studied , although it has already been observed that the same clay was used with different tempers in certain places .
30 Such societies were scoured for individuals to whom some shreds of legitimate authority appeared to cling , with sometimes comic , sometimes tragic , results .
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