Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] of [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was partly because the traditional school library catalogue , devised by teachers untrained in library methods , aimed to meet only the very simple demands which , alas , were made of it in the long decades of neglect .
2 But while he argues for general connections between the rites , incidentally ignoring the many repudiations of Gnosticism that were made of it by early Christian leaders , his viewpoint is much more balanced than Scobie 's . )
3 It is not easy , admittedly , at this point in time , when the Commonwealth seems so obviously a fig-leaf for imperial decline , to credit the extravagant hopes that once were entertained of it as the foundation of everlasting British dominion — influence , as it were , eternally made flesh .
4 After we had rehearsed for three weeks , on the very last night of rehearsal , we worked till four in the morning then photos were taken of us in these spangled costumes ; because they stretched from our ankles to our necks , we could n't sit down .
5 Nothing was heard of them for fifteen years .
6 The proceedings against Stratford were referred to a committee of two bishops and four earls , including Arundel and Salisbury , and nothing more was heard of them until 1343 , when the king ordered the charges to be annulled .
7 " Well , mother explained to me what was expected of me in the marriage bed and it sounded so terrifying .
8 I could do what was expected of me by the crowd , or I could do what he trusted me to do .
9 He had brought with him reading that was expected of him during this vacation , works on sociology and on linguistics and some where these two studies converged , but these were not the sort of books one much wanted to read under the hot sun and the influence of wine .
10 Theoretically one can have the best materials taught by the best teachers , but although a number of films have been made , and probably will continue to be made , they have not had the success that was expected of them in the fifties .
11 Bad behaviour was expected of you in those times .
12 No further mention was made of her by Biff or Mother Bombie .
13 A great fuss was made of us on that trip , according to my mother .
14 Until 1960 nothing was known of it except a handful of historical references and a poem of 76 hexameter-lines in praise of the church 's founder , Anicia Juliana.The poem , which had been carved in letters 11 centimetres high on the walls of the church itself , was copied in a manuscript of the 10th century and is preserved in full in the Palatine Anthology , a medieval collection of ancient epigrams .
15 In November 1294 a tenth was demanded of them in the shires , a sixth in the boroughs ; in December 1295 an eleventh and a seventh were sought ; a year later , in December 1296 , a twelfth and an eighth ; in July 1297 an eighth and a fifth , although this grant was not in fact raised .
16 ‘ It was a disgrace the way they treated Gower because in the last Test against Pakistan , before this tour , he did everything that was asked of him with the bat .
17 Haled in to help salvage the church 's treasures , he had set to and done whatever was asked of him without curiosity , but there was nothing amiss with his sharp and assured memory , once he understood what was being asked of him .
18 None the less in 1329 he did simple homage ( all that was asked of him for the moment ) at Amiens , following this up with liege homage in 1331 .
19 Oliver Hill , its architect , was a chameleon who could perform miracles and build in whatever style was asked of him by his upper-class clients , some of whom were startlingly ‘ progressive ’ .
20 Our favourite photo was taken of me on the marble slab .
21 I had the impression of a cautious , reflective man , who would take his work seriously and perform what was required of him to the best of his ability .
22 This rather cooled their high spirits , because Missenden 's failure to do what was required of him about some case of ecclesiastical preferment was criticized .
23 Note was also taken , if regretfully , of the questionable conduct of our Legal Adviser de Palfrey — I even got my de back * — who had failed to justify his use of the Home Secretary 's delegated authority in the full knowledge that this was required of him by the secretly agreed Procedures Governing the Service 's Activities as Amended by etcetera , and in accordance with paragraph something of a deniable Home Office protocol .
24 At first it was felt that this was caused by their failure to understand what was required of them despite being notified by the Board , the NEC , through the pages of The Embalmer as well as at Divisional meetings , but it is apparent that there is an element of tutors who deliberately do not follow the guidelines and rules , ignore well publicised and individually notified closing dates for entry and submission of coursework results , presumably to try and ‘ force ’ the Institute to return to the ‘ old ’ system .
25 Nevertheless , I could never be sure exactly what was required of me on these occasions .
26 I believed at the time that I more or less grasped the metaphorical implications of this , but after I had put the phone down I found I was not as clear as I should have hoped to be about exactly what was required of me in concrete practical terms .
27 Her duties were n't merely confined to waitressing however ; like all the girls at The Haven she did whatever was required of her from changing bed linen to washing dishes .
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