Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] first by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lead and iron were superseded first by copper , which is more resistant to corrosion , and , more recently , by plastic .
2 His drawings were sold first by Greenwood , auctioneer of Leicester Square , on 16 February 1787 and seven days following .
3 These differences were caused first by ice sheets and later by rivers .
4 Studies of this kind were influenced first by studies and methods of denudation chronology , of which they naturally formed the later stages , and secondly by developments in the study of the Pleistocene where the work of Zeuner ( 1945 , 1958 ) and the work of geologists ( e.g. Wright , 1937 ; Flint , 1947 ; Charlesworth , 1957 ) had been particularly influential .
5 In early 1656 she secured a considerable degree of influence over James Nayler [ q.v. ] , whose works were published first by Calvert and then by Thomas Simmonds .
6 On the final lap , Mark Smyth ( O'Rourkes Coal ) opened a small gap just before the climb and he was joined first by Graham , then Alastair Martin ( Ardsike the Bike ) and Gerald Irvine ( Toyota North Down ) with Cormac McCann ( Phoenix ) the last to make a successful effort to bridge 21 the gap .
7 The method was used first by Kröner ( 1958 ) for the elastic moduli of cubic polycrystals and has been applied to composite materials by Hill , Walpole and many others [ see , for example , Laws & McLaughlin ( 1978 ) for references ] .
8 Acid deposition is not a new problem : for example , the term ‘ acid rain' was used first by Robert Angus Smith in 1872 to describe the polluted air of Manchester , England , which damaged vegetation , bleached the colours of fabrics and corroded metallic surfaces .
9 The work was supervised first by Josef Kranner , then from 1871–99 by Josef Mocker , the Bohemian Viollet-le-Duc .
10 From 1905 to 1909 she was employed first by Sidney and Beatrice Webb [ qq.v. ] and then by the royal commission on the poor laws as a research assistant on enquiries into public health , poor-law medical relief , and the treatment of destitute children .
11 ( She was played first by Mozart 's sister-in-law , Josepha . )
12 He was followed first by Hawkbit and then by Fiver .
13 In Iraq , the Kurdish Democratic Party ( KDP ) was led first by Mullah Mustafa Barzani , a survivor of the ill-fated Mahabad venture in Iran , and after his death in 1979 , by his sons Mas'ud and Idris .
14 The rotating presidency of the Council was held by Ireland for the first half of 1990 , by Italy for the second half of 1990 , and in 1991 it was held first by Luxembourg and then by the Netherlands .
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