Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] by [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many , ranging from large estates to small-holdings in towns , were given by him to his French supporters and to those English whom he could tempt over to settle in northern France .
2 " The examination being closed we then distributed under the recommendation of the Examiner various Books to the boys who had chiefly distinguished themselves as a reward for assiduity and good conduct , and as an incitement to future exertions which were received by them with marked satisfaction . "
3 The crowds who flocked to listen to John 's preaching of repentance were baptised by him in the Jordan in penitent expectation of the age of fulfilment which he proclaimed .
4 In that case the railway company had carried the parcels of other persons at a rate less than similar parcels were carried by it for the plaintiff .
5 Some cases , the easy ones , were solved by it like an intellectual puzzle .
6 Several other writers were attracted by it in the 1960s and 1970s : Douglas Oliver , in The Harmless Building ( 1973 ) , for example ; Muriel Spark , at several stages in her fiction ; and Giles Gordon , who follows the second-person narrative of Michel Butor 's La Modification ( 1957 ) , making ‘ you ’ the protagonist of his Girl with red hair ( 1974 ) .
7 Müncheberg ; the crew were seen by him to be getting into a dinghy .
8 Palmer 's views were shared by the other Northern Residents who , early in his career as Lieutenant-Governor , were organized by him into an effective pressure group known as the Conference of Residents .
9 Darlington argues persuasively that Marx believed the process of evolution to be by direct Lamarkian and not by indirect Darwinian , or selective means : that is to say , that the environment in which individuals found themselves operated directly upon them to adjust them to it and that the adjustments were transmitted by them to the next generation ; and not that , fortuitous mutations having occurred in the genetic package , they would when favourable equip the mutant for greater success in the given environment than the unmutated form could achieve .
10 Beatrix Potter 's own sketches of the city were used by her in her books .
11 This led him to insist that those who had , however tenuously , dedicated their lives to God in religious vows were bound by them beyond recall .
12 It had different results for various sections in the community , but all were affected by it in some way , either directly or indirectly .
13 S1 always stood out as a unit and these boys , who were always together , were known by everybody in the sample .
14 In this case the findings of the justices and their reasons , so far as concerns the making of the order for costs , were announced by them in the following terms :
15 Her responses to all questions by the parents were criticised by them as ‘ text-book jargon ’ .
16 ‘ He 's still working on the theory that they were killed by someone from the neighbourhood who resented them and their prosperity . ’
17 So that was the journey waybill and that was handed in at the end of the day and from that and a visual check of the tickets that were returned by him to the ticket office , they could tell which tickets were missing and therefore they were sold to him and er there be , there was the odd shortages but in those days if anybody was short in his takings by , I think it was about sixpence in those days , he was the subject of a another warning by letter and if he persisted , well then he was brought in to see the Traffic Superintendent who erm , could suspend him for two or three days , so he lost pay for two or three days .
18 Although in school activities Ernest was energetic and successful , twice he ran away from home before the Kansas City Star was joined by him as a cub reporter in 1917 .
19 Was stripped by him of a number of important contracts .
20 William Whewell in Cambridge was consulted by him over nomenclature , and took a great interest in his work , especially in his unease about the atomic theory with its inert and massy billiard-balls .
21 The museum began as a purely private collection by Gian Giacomo Poldi-Pezzoli in the last half of the nineteenth-century and was given by him to the city when he died in 1879 .
22 Although for Aristotle physics meant the study of motion and change in nature , the main emphasis was placed by him on the states between which change takes place rather than on the actual course of the motion itself .
23 ‘ At the time I left I was regarded by everyone as a failure , ’ he said .
24 ‘ At the time I left I was regarded by everyone as a failure , ’ said Francis on the eve of the Coca-Cola Cup tie with Rangers .
25 Cromwell had thrown in his lot with the Levellers when it suited him two years before and so was regarded by them as no better than a mutineer himself when he turned against them .
26 The match was regarded by us as a little bit special , because their amalgamation of players between two places five miles apart seemed faintly dishonest .
27 My suggestion to Angus , while we were dishwashing after the battle , that maybe his food could have been injected somehow with a substance that even now could be working away to the detriment of everyone 's health was received by him with frosty amusement .
28 In the same year Giovanni Animuccia ( C. 1500–1571 ) , who succeeded Palestrina as master of the Cappella Giuliana in 1555 and was succeeded by him in 1571 , described his First Book of Masses as composed ‘ seconda la forma del Concilio di Trento ’ , and Vincenzo Ruffo ( c. 1510–1587 ) of Milan Cathedral explained in the dedication of his book of Masses ‘ according to the Milan rite ’ ( 1570 ) that he had composed them on Borromeo 's instructions ‘ ex sancti tridentini Concilii decreto ’ .
29 Obviously he could n't talk to the police , and it would suit his book better if Vecchi was caught by someone outside his own organisation .
30 The crucifixion was considered by them to be a unique event not subject to repetition .
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