Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 These techniques were developed for the perfectly legitimate ‘ bronzing ’ and ‘ antiquing ’ of patently modern metalwork , but could also be used by the faker with less honest motives .
2 There existed at that time , a real threat of an invasion of the British Isles by the French forces under Napoleon , so militia groups were formed and Martello Towers were erected around the more vulnerable coast line , to ward off and give warning of any sign of an invading fleet .
3 Their demands were to have a radical effect on British livestock on a national basis and a massive trade developed in which cattle were reared in the more remote northern and western regions , sent in droves to fatten on grass and turnips in the Midlands , Norfolk , Essex , Hertfordshire , Middlesex and Surrey , and thence to London 's slaughterhouses in due course .
4 There were fears that the death toll could reach 4,000 when all reports were received from the more remote areas devastated by the earthquake .
5 Other items of diet , including eggs , vegetables , meat and water , were examined in the most contaminated regions , but it was decided that there was no appreciable health hazard from these foodstuffs and hence that there was no need to implement bans on them .
6 The proposals for provinces were referred to the newly established Royal Commission on the Constitution , while the proposals for local councils were thought to add too much extra work to the already formidable task of local government reorganisation .
7 The pages were crisp and white and were filled with the most marvellous pictures of animals wearing clothes .
8 Its cornfields were farmed in common and the individual strips were demarcated by the gently undulating patterns of ridge and furrow that stretched from village streets to the very edge of each parish .
9 Musical savants could easily learn pieces by Greig which follow classical rules , but were stumped by the less structured avant garde works of Bartok .
10 On Cullin 68 trout to 1lb 12ozs were reported with the best taking flies being , Mayfly , Golden Olive Bumble and Bibio .
11 However , low turnouts were reported in the predominantly Russian Vilnius suburb of Novaya Vilnya , and in the predominantly Polish rural district of Salcininkai .
12 The kitchen had one small window , the parlour two , one looking out over Brodick Bay , the other inland ; joined to this main building were various outhouses , each having a door , a window , a box-bed , a small deal table , a candlestick , and a wash-basin of its own : these were let for the most part to single gentlemen , though now and again she had also lady lodgers .
13 After a trawl through its shortlist , a further three prospective sites were added to the already chosen Elstow .
14 During the nineteenth century , with improvements in communications , these traditions were modified by the consequently increased sensitivity to changing preferences in architectural styles .
15 At the outbreak of war , forty-five of these children were evacuated to the best known of all the agricultural training camps , Gwrych Castle in North Wales .
16 They were confined for the most part to the close proximity of the waterways and some parts of the country hardly knew them at all .
17 This was interpreted variously but making secondary education free , providing better facilities and raising the school leaving age were seen as the most obvious means to that end .
18 A number of reviews of Karajan 's early recordings with the Philharmonia Orchestra were written by the precociously gifted Andrew Porter , a critic often quoted by the anti-Karajan lobby or adulatory biographers looking to add some grist to the mill .
19 About a dozen services were transferred to the directly elected London boroughs .
20 Similar measures were passed in 1985 and 1988 but were vetoed by the then President Ronald Reagan .
21 Others were distinctly modern , looking sharp and raw against the soft colours of their rural backdrop , but all were built with the steeply sloping roofs and heavy timbering that she 'd already come to recognise as typical of the region .
22 The roughness and sheer wild irrationality of Lewis 's domestic persona were matched by the genuinely warm-hearted impulse which had led him to befriend Havard in the first place .
23 In 1923 , the collection opened to the public , but ten years later the mansion was declared a fire hazard and the paintings were moved to the recently built Philadelphia Museum of Art .
24 Although police responded with tear gas , they were instructed by the newly elected city Mayor , Sharon Pratt Dixon , not to aggravate the situation by making arrests .
25 As time went on and the primitive physically competitive urges were becoming supplemented by the more devious mental ways in which one being could gain ascendance over another , the opportunities to use those beliefs were exploited by the more skilful members of the society .
26 Three were selected as the most important : freedom , rationality and manipulability .
27 In 1926 both United Alkali and Brunner , Mond were absorbed into the newly created Imperial Chemical Industries , of which Muspratt 's son ( Sir ) Max Muspratt [ q.v. ] became a director .
28 Governments were used to the fairly simple process of changing a syllabus , but confronted with a new orthodoxy that it was desirable to engage in curriculum development , they were usually happy initially to see this potentially time-consuming exercise take place outside the Ministry , at University Institutes of Education or specially constituted curriculum development centres .
29 Finer grades ( such as Parian or Pentelic ) were used for the most important statuary , and lower-quality and more local marble , mainly from south-western Turkey , was used for the main architectural building blocks of the monument .
30 For the oligonucleotide binding-site probes 5% gels ( 29:1 w/w acrylamide/ N , N' -methylene-bisacrylamide ) were used while 4% gels ( 39:1 w/w acrylamide/ N , N' -methylene-bisacrylamide ) were used for the circularly permutated 143 bp restriction fragments .
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