Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [vb pp] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 During the Second World War , when cattle food supplies were necessarily restricted so that the supposedly early maturing breeds were deprived of some of their rations , it was the Devon and the related Sussex which came to the fore and proved that , even under difficult conditions , they were able to produce good beef quickly .
2 The pews all faced the pulpit and reading-desk , and were usually arranged so that the most prosperous and socially elevated parishioners were positioned nearest the front .
3 We will discover whether there is a real commitment or whether it is simply words which they hope that the Scottish public will forget were ever uttered so that in the fullness of time they can shunt the companies off to the private sector to do with them as it will .
4 In most of the windows the curtains were partly drawn so that the rooms must have been dark , but the people probably lived in the back .
5 The action and control areas were carefully selected so that they were matched as far as possible in terms both of the number of referrals to the psychogeriatric service in the previous year , and of 1981 census data on the number of elderly people resident , particularly those aged 80 and over , the housing amenities of elderly people and the proportion of elderly people living alone ( see Table 2.1 ) .
6 Arrangements were carefully made so that Lunia would not be compromised and Modigliani came to paint her portrait the following day in the Sunny Hotel on the Boulevard de Port-Royal , the little lodging house where Zborowski was living with his handsome and somewhat forbidding common-law wife , Anna ( Hanka ) Zborowska .
7 Newsletters were circulated giving details of campaigns , and some of these , such as those sent by Bartholomew Burghersh to the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1346 , were carefully phrased so as to generate public support for the invasion of Normandy .
8 It was essential that the candidate 's appearances were carefully staged so that he came across in a favourable light before the television cameras .
9 Throughout the Johannesburg commuter system , all station platforms were divided in half , for Whites and non-Whites respectively , and the trains were similarly divided so that the appropriate part stopped at the relevant stretch of platform .
10 Mozart 's reputation preceded him on the return trip , and the family were frequently detained so that he could give performances and display his talents .
11 Some of the Indian princes had private stations , and in China special stations were even built so that the Emperor could visit the western tombs at the appropriate time of the year .
12 For example , in evaluating the yield of a particular hybrid plant , they had to be certain that all the factors which , taken collectively , and variably , affect growth , such as climatic conditions , fertility of the soil , moisture , disease resistance , and so on , were adequately controlled so that the yield of the hybrid could be stringently compared with that of the non-hybrid .
13 Broadly , and allowing for over-simplification of the two books , Mr Kee and Mr Mullin allege that the confessions were beaten out of them by the police interrogating them , and that the forensic tests were either doctored so as to appear positive , or were otherwise unreliable .
14 These were strategically placed so that the hands were exactly one at each breast .
15 One who saw both camps preparing for the talks says : ‘ It was all arranged so that Diana could stay more or less on her terms .
16 Er people did not , in fact , wish to pay taxes in order to allow erm their rulers to play the game of war and the limited sums of money available for these wars was soon expended so when your cash ran out , then you sued for peace you , you engaged in negotiations .
17 It was also true that the renewed Triple Alliance of the same year was soon buttressed so as to isolate France and Russia still more .
18 ‘ The album ‘ Into The Fire ’ , was intentionally written so that the songs would go Top 40 .
19 So , there were no leaks or speculative articles about the paper 's contents and publication was deliberately timed so that it arrived on news desks ahead of the finalised Cadbury Report .
20 Now it is sometimes argued that the Reform Bill was deliberately framed so as to preclude the threat of a revolution founded on such an alignment , one in which a middle-class bourgeoisie would have provided the leadership and the lower classes the sheer mass , the numbers needed to carry it out ; and shrewdly calculated to concede just so much as was needed to reduce to a manageable scale the gathering political unrest which might have led to just such a convulsion .
21 The exclusionary rule was later extended so as to prohibit the court from looking even at reports made by commissioners on which legislation was based : Salkeld v. Johnson ( 1848 ) 2 Exch. 256 , 273 .
22 He could n't upstage her , for the piece was carefully staged so that bride and groom were hidden from each other , one each side of the screen and Therese , radiant , controlled , confident , set the atmosphere of the whole scene .
23 The story was also altered so that the servant had to remove the iron ring from its mouth , whereby the town would be walled around with brass .
24 The government had to ‘ have participation in it ’ , but it was also structured so that ‘ the government was not supposed to have participation in it ’ .
25 Following the war , a great deal of redrafting of the official creed took place , and Scouting for Boys was repeatedly updated so that not only was militarism explicitly disowned , but the earlier racial imperialism was swapped for international brotherhood and goodwill .
26 They are often rounded , but some have a flat top , which was often placed so that the sharpest edge or point indicated the direction of the ley .
27 The ziggurat of Ur was originally built so that their god could step down from heaven into a room at the top of the structure , according to ancient mythology .
28 In an efficient rotation , they follow a crop for which the soil was well manured so that the roots benefit from the earlier cultivation and nutrient residues in the ground .
29 Where land was readily acquired so that the farmstead could be enlarged in a logical way , rather than the haphazard development which resulted from the erection of buildings on whatever sites became available , individual buildings within the grouping were sited so as to maximise efficiency .
30 To produce the latter the inner coffin was placed on to a width of lead which was then cut so as to be three inches larger all round than the coffin itself ; this was then turned up and tacked to the wood .
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