Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike in the Reich , where the Nazis had sealed off the German people and the NSDAP membership from foreign scrutiny , and where investigative journalism , hostile comment and moral concern were all about to disappear into the camps , leaving the party accountable to no-one , Danzig was never able fully to apply these principles simply because the city remained a ward of the League of Nations .
2 ‘ The bin men were just about to climb into their lorry when a woman came running out of her house carrying a black bin liner .
3 All the British and Americans need to do is convince the Shiites of Iraq that they now realize they were wrong not to come to the aid of the Shiite uprising .
4 The sparkle of spray , the glassy mist hanging over the water were pretty enough to taste on the tongue .
5 There was an immature moustache above lips that were pretty enough to belong to a girl .
6 Mrs Eckersley 's friend at the German Foreign Office , to whom he now offered his services as a full-time employee , passed him on to Dr Erich Hetzler , private secretary to the Nazi Foreign Minister , von Ribbentrop , whom Joyce was rather ungratefully to refer to in future as ‘ Ribbentripe ’ .
7 And after all Elizabeth had done for her , heaven only knew it was little enough to ask in return .
8 It was enough just to look at them .
9 After all , she was all right to flirt with at parties and escort him occasionally .
10 But he was all right to work with if you knew your job .
11 As the first night of the Hochhauser Season approached , Suzi Hoflin found herself increasingly torn between dread and a curious sense of wild exhilaration that was only partly to do with the excitement of appearing in a professional production .
12 Submission to central authority was deeply ingrained in its 150 years ' history , and the hospital was only now to throw off the last traces of its even more ancient deterrent purpose .
13 But the greatest advance in regularity was soon about to descend on the world in which I found myself : the introduction of a complex railway system which depended on exact and uniform timing over whole countries , not on the vagaries of a church steeple or a parson 's watch .
14 You just jump in half-cocked , and get the wrong idea of the argument then I was just about to say to you that is n't the better way of doing things , cos obviously neither of us knows that way it 's just a different way and it was just a a matter of opinion so I mean
15 I was living in Mayfair and was just about to move from there and buy my first flat .
16 Pushing it into first , she was just about to let off the handbrake when he opened the passenger door and awkwardly lowered his length into the small car .
17 Ellie was just about to explain about the letters . ’
18 She reached for the desk lamp and was just about to turn off the light when the sudden glare of car headlights flashed into the office , illuminating everything .
19 He was just about to sink into a state of total collapse when Tom cried :
20 It happened at Christmas 1975 and the surgeon was just about to leave for a holiday with his family East .
21 ‘ She was just about to leave in a limousine and there were a lot of journalists about .
22 Indeed , he was just about to ask to be substituted when he collected the ball in the 38th minute on the edge of the area with his back to goal .
23 So when , late that night as I was just about to go to bed , I heard a discreet knock at the door , I was not amazed to find a waiter in a claw-hammer coat pulling a heavily laden food trolley into my room .
24 so I tap on the window , had just gone past and I was just about to go in his room , you know , cos he 's standing there and I just tapped on the window come outside Nick had just walked by and Rick and were talking you know it 's not like the dead of night and everything 's quiet
25 The writer was once with a small London bookseller who unblushingly pointed out a volume of Arctic travel which he was just about to despatch for the full treatment of glaciers , polar bears and seals .
26 He was just about to shrug off the question with ‘ I du n no ’ when he noticed that George and the twins were looking at him for an answer .
27 The Prince Charles was just about to anchor in Tongue Bay , midway along the northern coast of Scotland , on 25 March 1746 when the 24-gun Sheerness , which far outclassed her , appeared and opened fire .
28 Congratulating themselves on having gained another client , Sophie and Helen sat down to have some tea , and Sophie was just about to tell of Robert Sheldrake 's visit when Joanna arrived .
29 The idea was just about to occur to him .
30 She was just about to step under the gushing spray when she realised she 'd left her sponge-bag in the other room .
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