Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 As time passed , Elena too became the subject of such gestures of endorsement from the West which were duly recorded for the benefit of Romanians , lest they forget by just how an extraordinary couple they were ruled .
2 Strait , agent to the late Jayne Mansfield , said the gruesome last moments of Monroe were secretly recorded for the Mafia .
3 The prospect of a radical overhaul of US banking legislation was confirmed on Feb. 5 when the US Treasury announced proposals including the abolition of two laws dating from the 1930s which were widely blamed for the fragmented character of US banking .
4 Colonialism had much the same impact on the traditional political systems with which it came into contact , especially those which were hierarchically organized for the purpose of a feudal mode of production .
5 In the RAF eggs were mostly reserved for the air crew 's after-ops breakfasts and this we fully understood .
6 Some features included in the Once-Over design were remarkably advanced for a tractor manufactured before 1920 .
7 We tried to reassure him that this was n't the case , that newspeople were merely going for the stories with the biggest hook .
8 By 1950 things were sufficiently improved for the bondholders to be paid their 3% interest ( for that year only ) , although interest on the Brewery loan was not paid .
9 There are some pieces — the most notable is usually known as " On music and words " — which were apparently meant for the book and later rejected , but which fall within the scope of BT , and so have no bearing on the question .
10 Most of the houses in the village were quite large , with shutters which were only opened for a few hours in the mornings ; if there was a breeze long lace curtains could be seen gently moving .
11 He also alleged that the KGB had recruited hundreds of British traitors who were only waiting for the signal from Moscow to begin destroying Britain 's communication system and military establishments around the country .
12 My story concerns the last England cricket tour of South Africa in 1964–65 , when during the first morning of the Durban Test the pitch was so utterly dead that Peter Pollock , at full pace , could hardly get the ball bail-high and England 's batsmen were obviously headed for a huge total .
13 Establishments were obviously catering for a different market in the evening , and it can be assumed that customers were prepared to spend more time and to pay more for a different ‘ meal experience ’ .
14 She and Boldwood were obviously going for a ride together .
15 These courses could not be done in a shorter time so they were normally arranged for a time of year when there was less pressure of work on those participating .
16 Plans drawn up by Mr. Gilbert Bullimore were soon unveiled for a new Science Block , to be built by the side of the tennis courts .
17 These features for many whites were primarily associated with the arrival of black settlers , who were thus blamed for the problems .
18 The intervention was modest and trading was thin because US markets were largely closed for a holiday .
19 Sorry to disappoint you , but I 'm afraid you were just pipped for the star prize .
20 We were just looking for a suitable warren to send our ferrets down to flush out the occupants .
21 But er if they were just working for a single day , it was long day up till ten o'clock at night in a harvest you know .
22 ‘ They were just waiting for a taxi . ’
23 you know , cos we were all single I think all of us were and we were just going for a joke cos seriously it 's just a cattle market at you know you do n't talk to people well you do but it 's just a laugh .
24 I mean I suppose if we were just going for the day it would be alright .
25 In this context , I would argue that while the unleashing of widespread revolutionary activity in Latin America in the 1960s must obviously be attributed to the impact of the 1959 Cuban revolution , this event was essentially a catalyst , which supplied a model and a source of inspiration to a radicalised generation who were already looking for an alternative to the Soviet theory of ‘ revolution in stages ’ .
26 They were already dressed for the wedding , wearing little bits of borrowed fineries they were afraid he would notice .
27 From school I knew this parable by heart , and I think the reader must have known it too , because as he reached the concluding sentences , his frail hands were already feeling for the embroidered marker and preparing to close the great heavy book , so that his eyes were not on the page but were gazing unseeing into mine as he spoke the final well-worn words , ‘ Then said Jesus unto him , ‘ Go , and do thou likewise . ’ ’
28 Congressional threats to resist the dissolution of the Congress , however , were not expected to materialize and the major parties were already preparing for the election campaign .
29 There would still be a bit of clublife here and there through the alleyways , and the all-night gambling schools in Chinatown , though those were usually reserved for the Oriental abacus-for-brains fanatic .
30 It is also true that , in the later eighteenth century , many landowners had begun to build cottages for their labourers , and even to erect whole villages ; but these were usually designed for the owner from the outside ( not from the inside , for the occupant ) as the focus for a prospect ( Fig. 25 ) or , in the case of a village , as the approach to his park ( Fig. 23c ) .
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