Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the law applied to smugglers , and they were rarely men of property .
2 Dockers and warehousemen were trying to drown the fire with what were effectively thimble-fulls of water .
3 The ‘ friends ’ were mostly girls at work : she had to have those independently of Ken .
4 They were merely bits of paper .
5 His wrong-headedness resided in his failure to recognize that the attitudes and expenditures of which he made so much fun were merely symbols of achievement , the kind of achievement which has in fact given rise to every civilization and marked stages in the development of each one .
6 The theme running through Victorian Darwinistic science was that women were merely vehicles for reproduction and were thus nearer nature ( and the lower animals ) than men , but towards the end of the century a more positive view of motherhood emerged , largely as a result of eugenic concern about the quality of the race .
7 The larnaxes or burial chests were apparently imitations in clay of wooden chests .
8 ‘ We got our scores at crucial stages and it was always difficult for England when they were only level at half-time having played with the breeze .
9 ‘ We got our scores at crucial stages and it was always difficult for England when they were only level at half-time having played with the breeze .
10 The results were disconcerting : many tips were only yards from schools and markets .
11 Nothing was clear , there were only suggestions of villages , churches , farms , woods .
12 It seemed to me that hardly any left the building in those weeks of May without murmuring apologetically that they were only leaving in order to get some baking done at home !
13 Bland little symbols were only mirrors of colour and shape that she had to push around into the order her teachers wanted .
14 Aged residents were suddenly objects of pilgrimage from such far-off places as America , and soon there were few people over sixty who did not have some hastily dusted-down anecdote , remembered , borrowed or adjusted , ready for eager visitors .
15 There were obviously men in Hollywood who wanted to use social themes , there were audiences who were willing to attend these films , and there were critics who were prepared to praise and even honour these films .
16 The lowest officials on the administrative tier were the village headmen , who were normally men of substance .
17 The scale of the work varied but they were generally scenes from nature , the type of thing popularly believed to be the easiest to sell but not necessarily the easiest to paint .
18 While the Khmers Rouges provided the NGC 's main military forces , in the middle of the year there were nevertheless reports of KPNLF and Sihanoukist attacks on several northern district capitals in Siem Reap , Preah Vihear and Kompong Thom provinces .
19 Traditional doughnuts were just lumps of dough with jam in the middle until , in 1847 , the Americans invented the ring doughnut .
20 Now obviously the you could see the cars in that fast lane there , they were just nose to tail , nose to tail .
21 They were just blobs of ink — but we made them think
22 People who were just names on laws ( Max Planck , Louis de Broglie , Werner Heisenberg , Paul Dirac … ) come alive in these pages as the reader discovers how each learned his trade and how the different characters interacted with one another .
23 They were just pieces in Matyre 's game .
24 By the Arthur died in 1803 and his three younger sons took over the prosperous business , there were already records of Guinness sales to the West Indies .
25 At the same time as this threat Henry found himself faced with a revolt of a section of the Breton nobility , alarmed by his high-handed treatment of their duchy , and there were already hints of trouble elsewhere in his dominions .
26 There were already colonies of maggots at work on the body , particularly , the Doctor noticed , on the stump of the right wrist , and on the hand which was severed and lay a couple of feet away .
27 Altho' we started at 7.30 , as we passed through the streets there were already hordes of people on their way to work , and armies of volunteers ( yes , at 7.30 on Sunday ! ) making the streets nice and clean .
28 The first missionaries to preach in the Muslim north of Nigeria were greeted by a handful of people who were already believers in Jesus and claimed to follow him .
29 Furthermore , these months were usually periods of synthesis and discovery .
30 Also on the surge , they were quickly face to face with Mallachy and Rory .
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