Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And , such is trust , they went on seeing it after it had gone , for by now they were used to the constant and bewildering ebb and flow of Stevenson money .
2 In winter the bare trees were florid with the purple and grey of pigeons , and in spring we buried dead baby sparrows under the soapsuds of fallen blossom .
3 Among the less experienced , youngsters like Serguei Molchanov , a prop , and the Georgian full-back Nougzar Dsagnidze were outstanding in the 1988 Students ' World Cup .
4 Since at heart these men were friendly to the Slav cause , Allied propaganda claimed that those who were posted to the east were always stationed in the most exposed positions , and at the slightest sign of wavering , or what might be termed ‘ treason ’ , were shot at from the rear .
5 Perhaps it was not I but the other riders who were hell-bent on the wrong route .
6 It was raining outside and the gusts of cold , damp air were refreshing after the stale smokiness of the room .
7 The diabetics chosen for this study were free of clinical evidence of vascular disease , which suggests that the platelet abnormalities in this diabetic group were due to the diabetic state ( Jones et al , 1985 ) .
8 It has been suggested that the different findings in these studies were due to the different techniques applied to the collection of blood samples .
9 The military 's claim that the escalating protests were due to the growing presence of " seditious " forces were denied by the Catholic Church and the trade unions , which claimed that this was part of a government strategy to weaken a popular opposition movement .
10 On 3 March 1987 the originating summons was amended by adding the seventh and eighth plaintiffs , and on 19 March 1987 it was further amended to seek accounts of all transactions entered into , and of all dealings with the property of the plaintiffs by the first defendant , and of all moneys received by or payment made by the first defendant or by the second or third defendants , and an inquiry whether any sums were due from the first defendant to the plaintiffs .
11 If you do n't run the status report until the twentieth and you make , you , you do reversals between the fifteenth and the twentieth the status report will take those into account if they 're affecting premiums that were due before the fifteenth .
12 The most progressive , self-sacrificing and heroic among them were receptive to the advanced ideas drawn from the West or propagated by Herzen and other leading democrats .
13 Even as he studied the pages of his comic , his ears and senses were alert to the smallest sounds coming from the rest of the house .
14 ‘ Not having any trouble with your eyes , are you ? ’ he asked smoothly as he rinsed off the reagent strip , but Belinda saw that his own eyes were alert beneath the veiling fringe of sooty lashes .
15 Her throat still stung with the rasp of knife-keen wind , her eyes were sore with the dry suck of the freezing night .
16 A study at the unit was carried out on 80 women under the age of 40 who were pregnant for the first time .
17 In a recent article in Current Anthropology , one palaeontologist went even further and stated that the molecular anthropologists were right for the wrong reasons , while the palaeontologists were wrong for the right reasons .
18 At a team meeting on the night before the Bombay Test , tour skipper Gower soft-talked his team into playing even though several were upset by the no-nonsense attitude of manager Tony Brown , who angrily offered to send home anyone who disagreed .
19 More specifically , it was the daughters , as opposed to spouse carers , who were upset by the reduced social contact .
20 But most Roman varieties were unsuitable for the British climate and the Norman varieties rapidly took precedence .
21 Conservative politicians were over-confident that they knew the right policies , and to a large extent they were contemptuous towards the professional teacher .
22 Firstly , Hitler was regarded as the personification of the nation and the unity of the ‘ national community ’ , aloof from the selfish sectional interests and material concerns which marked the normality of ‘ every-day life ’ and created the damaging divisions in society and politics — the selfless exponent of the national interest , whose incorruption and unselfish motives were detachable from the scandalous greed and hypocrisy of the Party functionaries .
23 Seeming to be merely speckles and punctures at first , actually they were tall as the highest trees .
24 There we are told that , amidst the collapsing standards of the comprehensive school system , successful reading standards were now only attained in what are described as ‘ traditional ’ schools , whereas ‘ such standards were usual in the 1930s ’ .
25 When my boys first started school , we were aghast at the anti-English propaganda in the history books .
26 In effect , Talabecland had ceded from the Empire , and was joined at various times by other provinces that were dissatisfied with the current elected Emperor .
27 His candidature was strongly supported by those Democrats who were dissatisfied with the conciliatory style of the Democratic Speaker of the House , Thomas Foley , and who wanted a clearer definition of the party 's differences with the Bush administration .
28 By contrast , restorative proctocolectomy for slow transit constipation is now no longer recommended as half have had their pouch excised because they were dissatisfied with the functional results .
29 It thus offered a form of compensatory training for them and made no attempt to try to alter the racist structures and attitudes in the labour market by which they were disadvantaged in the first place .
30 On , on the point of representation , in fact , er , I think there have been representations made already be those authorities who felt they were disadvantaged in the first case , and so what you 've seen with , using this method of distribution , is a switch actually , of expenditure to London boroughs , London boroughs felt that they had lost , er , in the first round of S T G , but now if you look at the overall spread they and the er , Mets have gained .
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