Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] to the same " in BNC.

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1 Many natural foods we have happily consumed for centuries would never be allowed to be sold in the shops today if they were subject to the same tests as modern drugs and edible substances .
2 We also tested the methylation pattern of expressing ( -300bp promoter deletion ) and non-expressing ( -55bp promoter deletion ) transgenes and found that both transgene were unmethylated to the same extent ( data not shown ) .
3 If human eyes were sensitive to the same radiation as the goldfish 's retina , we would see the infra-red remote-control beams that operate televisions and videos .
4 The judgment held that men and women were entitled to the same pension from the same age .
5 Nearly half a century ago , J.M.W. Turner — he of the prize — was subject to the same patronising disparagement as Mr Davey today ’ .
6 Horton Hospital , located in Epsom , and together with Banstead one of a ring of mental hospitals in the vicinity known as the ‘ Epsom cluster ’ , was subject to the same process of decline and was also in an impossible location to offer community care .
7 Thus the firm in economic theory behaved identically and was subject to the same constraints whether it took the form of an individual proprietorship , a partnership or a company .
8 Though a crown body , it did not operate as such and thus was subject to the same planning control as private developers .
9 His strategy changed with bewildering suddenness , but everything he did was devoted to the same end , that was certain .
10 On a reference from a Dutch court , the European Court in Luxembourg held that the Dutch company was entitled to the same treatment as other Dutch companies , notwithstanding that it was the subsidiary of a UK parent .
11 In , prior to ninety one ninety two which is three years prior to now , a married woman was entitled to the same as that , it was , they did n't call it basic allowance , the same amount only if she was married of course and working , it had to be earned income .
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