Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adv] [v-ing] a " in BNC.

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1 Horrified by his latest intentions , they were perhaps genuinely considering a last-ditch attempt to save him from himself .
2 At the start of the study 70 patients in the control group and 74 in the prompted group were not currently attending a hospital eye clinic .
3 If workers were spending their time in this way , they were not only exercising a leisure preference but were consuming a non-essential .
4 Girls were sometimes called apprentices , more often simply " learners " : indicating that they were not really acquiring a skill , just " learning on the job " , which was the standard training for most semi-skilled occupations .
5 Workers standing by were not always enjoying a leisure preference ; they were sometimes enduring an enforced and hungry idleness .
6 We were just both admiring a lovely antique bureau . ’
7 Mr Oliver and his fellow rebel leaders were yesterday already planning a strong letter urging a yes vote to be sent to all MCC members , who include the Prime Minister and well-known celebrities like Gary Lineker , Harold Pinter and Tim Rice .
8 The newspapers were once more having a heyday .
9 They were n't just humming a chorus of ‘ North Sea Sunrise ’ , the jazz tribute to the industry which the Norwegian contractor Kvaerner commissioned for its reception at Aberdeen 's Beach Ballroom .
10 If you were n't actually having a ‘ sleep-argument ’ you were probably dreaming about having one .
11 By the time that Edward Heath had to appoint a chairman twenty years later , he chose Professor Michael ( later Lord ) Swann , Vice-Chancellor of Edinburgh University , on the grounds that running the BBC was rather like running a university , with a ferment of ideas , plenty of eccentricity and troublesome students .
12 It was only when using a ‘ test ’ version of the system ( available just before the planned implementation date ) that difficulties would come to light , and a host of change requests be issued .
13 It was only when doing a post-mortem that they discovered the two small puncture marks side by side on her left buttock .
14 The ratio of seats won was 17:9:1 , yet the spread of votes was much closer producing a rough ratio of 3:2 : 2 .
15 I mean , in a much more , erm , a le a less severe example , but we 're having a Road Safety Week , at school , this week , erm , and it was my class 's turn , yesterday afternoon , so I was just there keeping a watching brief with my my children while the , road safety representative was talking to them , and she put them us through the usual hoops of erm , did any of them play on the roadside un unattended .
16 Afghanistan , it was argued , was anyway actively conducting a policy of ‘ positive neutrality ’ among the group of non-aligned countries , which was fixed in the ‘ Basic Principles ’ of the DRA .
17 He was not even wearing a watch and he needed a shave .
18 But God was not just providing a memory to cling to .
19 It was not just launching a perfume , it was giving birth to a perfume , ’ said she , who had definitely seen the shape of the bottle but still chose to stick with this metaphor .
20 In an industry where communication of information between different levels is vital to effective management ( a factor reported as by no means negligible in Government inquiries into construction industry disasters ) , this project was not only fulfilling a real educational need , but also illustrating the justification for us to include communication skills within the scope of information skills .
21 As one senior figure put it , ‘ She was not really running a team .
22 That is to say that although he was clearly not endorsing a militaristic brand of Rambo-style Christianity — say , fighting modern crusades against Muslims , or shooting atheists — he was insisting that to be a Christian meant to be a person engaged in the Great Battle .
23 The change of emphasis which is implied in this silence is confirmed by the negotiations of the next few years : Pascal was clearly already preparing a withdrawal from the extreme position adopted by his predecessor .
24 She was probably out getting a paper .
25 No matter how much Signe varied the speed , Harvey 's hand was up there providing a wall against which her hand smacked , until he snatched his hand away and she toppled into his arms .
26 This once mighty state was now again becoming a major power in Europe , thanks less to its nominal ruler , Philip V , than to his prime minister , Cardinal Giulio Alberoni .
27 She was n't even wearing a bra .
28 Six o'clock this morning I was n't really asking a lot of questions .
29 Shaney was n't actually playing a game , but she was sitting next too a women that was .
30 2 Novella was n't only drawing a veil over her beauty , but over her femaleness , synonymous — in the descendance of Eve — with seductiveness ; and , even more fatally , with folly .
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