Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the colliery communities -were never really associated with the cult of respectability , which was so important in dividing the " rough " from the " respectable " working class in Victorian England , nevertheless the pit brow women were regarded as a moral threat .
2 Our isolates of E coli were from the rectal mucosa and were presumably closely associated with , if not actually attached to , the epithelium ; loosely adherent bacteria were removed from the tissue by the vigorous washing procedure .
3 But the appointments were presumably also made on the assumption that the men concerned could be relied upon to obey Gloucester rather than the Woodvilles , an assumption which , during the protectorate , seems to have been vindicated .
4 But the appointments were presumably also made on the assumption that the men concerned could be relied upon to obey Gloucester rather than the Woodvilles , an assumption which , during the protectorate , seems to have been vindicated .
5 The only sheep around here are the sad bastards who walk around in Man Utd shirts ( particularly the fat bastard in Wakefield who has No.7 and Cantona stencilled on the back ) who were presumably sexually abused at a young age and hence feel the need to rebel — why not go the whole hog and dress up as a woman , you would nt look half as silly .
6 In between the ladies and the gents ( matches I mean ) we were ushered to private rooms , where , beneath striped awnings , we were right royally entertained to a distinguished tea .
7 It would appear , therefore , that without the support of a permanent committee several of the Minor Project initiatives were rather narrowly based in terms of key personnel .
8 While the IVIS discs had only loosely defined objectives and were rather vaguely intended as an underlying educational resource , IVIFE discs had very clear objectives .
9 Staff training stressed service and advice rather than aggressive selling , and people found the Board shops ( or ‘ service centres ’ as they were rather coyly called before the 1960s ) helpful on matters such as fixing plugs , and advice on safety , reliability , running costs and brand choice .
10 Although most socialist writers were agreed that crime resulted from the misery , exploitation , greed and selfishness promoted by the private property relationships of capitalism , they were rather less agreed on the status of the criminal .
11 The only contraception that was on offer ( though sporadically ) was for use by men , whose interests were arguably better served by the birth of another son than by their wives ' good health .
12 I produced sketches and a clay model for ideas , but these were eventually only used for reference when working on the sculpture .
13 the fact that Freud linked the two things together , the very title of the book shows the evil th that group psychology and ego psychology were intimately intimately connected with one another and er the central idea was that as Dean rightly says is that in a group the leader or the leading principal , and it does n't always have to be a person , although usually a person plays , kind of represents the , the er the leader in the way that the Pope represents Christ for example , you know Christ ca n't be here right now , he 's doing other things elsewhere I presume .
14 The company said it could no longer afford the £320,000 membership fee and claimed open systems standards were widely enough accepted for it to leave .
15 Unionists had a majority in Lloyd George 's war cabinet , but were little better placed in his government as a whole .
16 A minority were badly enough damaged to be at risk of dying .
17 The Bishops were mostly not opposed to liberty of conscience for Dissenters , the wiser of whom opposed the Declaration , but considered that only Parliament could revoke the Test Acts , so that the Declaration was illegal .
18 In Northern Nigeria , he succeeded in detaching the judicial system and the technical departments from the grip of the administrative service , whose claims to omnipotence and omnicompetence were thereby permanently reduced from the heights to which they had risen a decade before .
19 O mmol/l had increased mortality compared to those with blood glucose <5.4 mmol/l Age and hypertension were most strongly related to coronary heart and stroke mortality within both the diabetic and glucose-intolerant groups .
20 There remained differences , however , between the industrial and agricultural sectors of European society , and these differences were most clearly reflected in the bourgeois advocacy of free trade and the aristocratic demand for tariffs .
21 The other advantages inherent in the strategy were that ( i ) it enabled the allied forces to capitalise on their superior mobility and air power by minimizing the possibility of becoming bogged down in a static war ; ( ii ) it made the allies less vulnerable to attack by chemical weapons , as such weapons were most easily used from a static defensive position against an enemy engaged in a frontal assault ; ( iii ) it offered the possibility of cutting off all forces within Kuwait and southern Iraq — including the Republican Guard — thereby enabling the allies to destroy Iraq 's military capability in addition to liberating Kuwait ; and ( iv ) it meant that the allies would capture a swathe of Iraqi territory , a potentially useful lever in the event of the negotiation and implementation of ceasefire conditions .
22 The great treeless plains from Salamanca to Valladolid were most economically employed with wheat and grazed fallows , while other poorer provinces — Avila for instance — could grow little else , even if it meant wretched crops and three-year fallows .
23 Dr. Marten shoes were most frequently seen on younger kids who could n't get hold of suedehead shoes .
24 When " comprehension moves " were made they were most frequently noted at the end of a read , although there was often no follow-up on understanding text at all .
25 Ash 's books were most regrettably scattered across Europe and America .
26 This agitation was directed principally at those members of the planning office , the full Council , and the Planning Committee who were most closely identified with the housing policy .
27 The National Executive wrote to the four signatories and supporters who were most closely identified with the Petition campaign , Bevan , Strauss , Cdr Young , and W. Bruce , asking them to discontinue their support for the campaign or face expulsion from the Party .
28 Some of the people who were most closely associated with him at the time find that hard to believe ; they remember him as being liberally inclined but not politically minded .
29 Deposits of comparable material which extend from the Ukraine westwards along the foot of the Hercynian uplands of Europe as far as the chalk plateaus of Artois and Picardy , were most likely derived by deflation from the glacial deposits of the North European Plain during the Pleistocene period .
30 The basement cattery seemed to her a sinister place , though she knew that the animals were most lovingly tended by Miss Pettigrew .
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