Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] that [art] government " in BNC.

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1 The members of the branch were indignant that the government should have planted two spies among them .
2 Indeed , for the local authorities ( many of whom were angry that the Government were treating nationalisation merely as a book-keeping transaction within the public sector and thus paying them little compensation for the takeover ) , the maintenance of uneconomically low prices was one way of getting their own back for the local ratepayers ( who were also usually electricity consumers ) .
3 Initially this satisfied the Marne growers , since they were pleased that the government had not ratified the Aube 's claim that it too was part of Champagne .
4 Moreover , ministers were aware that the Government 's own actions had contributed to the recession .
5 It was understandable that the government of each should have tried to reappraise its policies and priorities , and been anxious to explore its range of options .
6 It was clear that the Government now saw itself as taking a greater part in determining TBC policies , and this was confirmed by the addition of an External Service to the TBC 's responsibilities .
7 It was clear that the Government were not able to get their legislation right at the first attempt .
8 He said it was clear that the government had only joined as a last resort to try and solve the country 's economic problems .
9 In many cases , this form of guaranteed sales is running at barely half that of 1989 , when the boom was such that the government was forced to drop limits on subscriptions , which it claimed were forced upon it by lack of newsprint .
10 Pressure was such that the government , in the person of George Cave the Unionist Home Secretary , was frequently forced to allow free votes , so several useful amendments were carried .
11 Lord Hailsham , a former Lord Chancellor , said it was paradoxical that a Government dedicated to privatisation should produce a bill whose object was to nationalise the judiciary and the legal profession .
12 I said I was confident that the Government would come back from Maastricht with something that was acceptable to the Conservative party .
13 As minister of labour he was concerned that the government should not become totally identified with the Unionist Party and was determined that people in Northern Ireland should have the same standards of living as those in the rest of the United Kingdom .
14 The duke , who owns 300 acres of London 's Mayfair and Belgravia worth about £3.5 billion , said he was concerned that the Government would ‘ interfere with contracts freely entered into between two willing parties ’ .
15 The promises to cut taxes had been brushed to one side , but it was unlikely that the government would wish to fight the next election against a background of undertakings that would entail their actually being increased .
16 David Trippier , who in 1988 was the Environment Minister responsible for Inner Cities , announced in December of that year that it was unlikely that the government would create any more UDCs : why ?
17 I was pleased that the Government confirmed their commitment to play a constructive role in the two intergovernmental conferences on economic and monetary union and on political union .
18 I WAS shocked that no Government ministers attended the Olympics opening ceremony .
19 He said it was disappointing that the Government had not made clear that it will be prepared to stimulate monetary growth by underfunding the Budget deficit .
20 Ian Wood , the head of Scotland 's largest indigenous offshore service company and chairman of Grampian Enterprise , said he was surprised that the Government appeared to have taken ‘ unhelpful ’ steps hitting exploration activity and the development of smaller projects when there was a need to give the industry reassurance of support .
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