Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] by [art] long " in BNC.

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1 The undulations in the grass were heightened by the long shadows , and she tripped over .
2 The silence was eased by a long wail from a ship 's hooter from downstream .
3 In fact he was subjected to a very stiff , puritanical and doctrinal regime , only mitigated by the fact that he was educated by a long sequence of tutors , and seemed to have access to a lot of books .
4 Thomas Huxley , the great biologist , whose household was dominated by a long series of cats over a period of forty years , described how one of them , a young tabby tom-cat , developed the alarming game of jumping on the shoulders of his dinner-guests and refusing to dismount until they fed him some titbit .
5 The room , possibly used as a chancery by the duke , was dominated by a long table with chairs down either side and a high-backed , throne-like seat at the top .
6 Arguably he was known to Londoners less for his medical expertise than for his incredible eccentricity , which was exaggerated by a long beard , a predilection for extraordinary costume and his habit of riding about in the streets and Hyde Park on a white pony , which he sometimes painted all purple or , when the mood took him , purple with black spots .
7 It is widely accepted that the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century was preceded by a long period of gradual economic growth , but when the upturn began remains uncertain .
8 My pleasure at seeing my name appear in the November journal as a new member by examination was tempered by the long list of those gaining membership by direct entry — indeed , a list of comparable length with those graduate members .
9 Situated on the outskirts of Cullbridge , it was reached by a long drive edged by trees and shrubs .
10 At Christchurch the original station was no more than a collection of sheds , but in 1877 it was replaced by a long Gothic structure — a rare example in the southern hemisphere — which looked like a succession of chapels at right angles to the platforms with a connecting range running between them .
11 Here again he was alerted by a long tradition of Greek search for barbarian philosophers and seers .
12 In December 1640 Sir John Finch , now Lord Keeper , was impeached by the Long Parliament .
13 Discussions on the subject had begun late in November , when the ‘ old navigator ’ had first became part of their lives , but Dorothy 's remark at the end of their walking tour that Coleridge 's poem would appear ‘ with some pieces of William 's ’ was followed by a long silence .
14 This was followed by a long and tense silence .
15 After the revolution , B. A. Henman , the Registrar of the Royal Society of Chemistry , explained that Elena Ceauşescu 's ‘ application was supported by a long list of papers published in her name …
16 When he took his seat , the trumpets blew and the dinner was served by a long line of servants who carried in plates of steaming hot boar 's meat , brawn , beef , sturgeon , fish , bowls of cream containing sugared strawberries , and jug after jug of different wines .
17 In Britain , their insignificance was overcome by the long agitation for affiliation to the Labour Party .
18 From then on , Stafford Road was flanked by a long black corrugated iron fence .
19 This was encouraged by the long depression of prices .
20 As Ken Plummer observes , whereas once it was the homosexual who was viewed as sick , now it might be the heterosexual who is charged with pathology : ‘ Whereas once the homosexual was identified by a long series of character traits , it is now possible to identify the traits of the homophobe : authoritarian , cognitively restricted , with gender anxieties , ( Plummer , ‘ Homosexual Categories ’ , 62 ) .
21 This was topped by the long white scarf and plain black , double twist crown .
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