Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] on in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I was n't allowing myself to think too much , but below the conscious level all kinds of adjustments were going on in my head .
2 The therapist should encourage the client to describe these experiences in terms of the three-systems model ( physical , mental , behavioural ) , then ask them to describe what was going on in their life at the time , and what sort of stresses they were under .
3 When subjects are interrupted on going to sleep and asked to report any mental activity whatsoever they usually have something to say about what was going on in their minds .
4 I think a lot of the current concern about schools being accountable is partly because things that in fact are being done are not being seen to be done , and I think if many of the things that we already done were more obviously being seen to be done , and perhaps also thought through rather more carefully as to how they were being done , the public would feel generally erm happier about what was going on in their schools than perhaps they are at the moment .
5 Once and if they learnt of what was going on in their own backgardens , they may change their views .
6 No one would dare say that it was his fault outright , but he knew what was going on in everyone else 's mind .
7 But , says Forster : ‘ It 's a story of what was going on in somebody 's head , rather than externally .
8 What was going on in her head ?
9 It was impossible to know what was going on in her mind , but he was thankful that she seemed in no way agitated .
10 And perhaps ( I 'm being vain ) it was something that happened when Caroline was going on in her silly woman-of-advanced-ideas way — just a look between us .
11 She started , feeling her colour rise at the possibility that he might have an inkling of what was going on in her head at that precise moment !
12 Miguel looked up at her suddenly , caught her staring , and hesitated in what he was saying , as though he understood what was going on in her mind .
13 I could discover no mention whatever of the fact that this conference was going on in its city erm but there was one mention of evolution .
14 When the archeaologists dig up the ruins in France at the turn of the next millennium , they may well be confused about what was going on in our time .
15 Outside there were several neighbours obviously listening to what was going on in our house , but I just pushed through them .
16 While all this was going on in our flat , something was clearly up at International Backside .
17 ‘ And what was going on in your mind ?
18 It was what was going on in my mind that had to be kept secret , on pain of interference , on pain of ridicule , on pain of punishment and , inevitably , on pain of self-understanding .
19 What was going on in my body was as unreal , as devoid of meaning , as were the events in the outside world .
20 In the struggle and confusion that was going on in my heart I knew that he loved me and I loved him , but I also knew that I must leave him !
21 I 'm sorry you had to worry about me because I would n't let you know what was going on in my mind , but I hope now you 'll realise why I kept silent for so long .
22 Although Hank was obsessed with his own problems , he was well aware of what was going on in his mother 's head .
23 ‘ I do n't know what was going on in his mind but it was n't going to do him much good .
24 Emily felt a sudden anger against the Grenfells , they had allowed this to happen to her father , even Craig had not been innocent , he should have seen what was going on in his own business .
25 She had flattered his self-esteem , protected him from the minor irritations of life , preserved his privacy with maternal pugnacity , had ensured , with infinite tact , that he knew all he needed to know about what was going on in his Laboratory .
26 And she was certain that whatever was going on in his mind , only the sheltered , leeward aspect would be revealed to her .
27 She had no idea what was going on in his head .
28 His face was set , making it impossible for her to guess what was going on in his mind .
29 She had n't a clue as to what was going on in his mind .
30 She could well imagine what was going on in his mind : fickle , impulsive girl who flitted from one man to another without so much as a backward glance .
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