Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [conj] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the natives were friendly except for a few incidents in Skye .
2 But surprisingly prices in Northallerton were lower than for the County Durham pubs although overall Which ? found Yorkshire prices higher than in the North-East .
3 They were empty except for a caretaker or two .
4 The buildings were empty except for the occasional orderly and the Assistant Commissioner at the other end of the corridor , and sometimes Nikos working late , and he was able to get a lot of work done .
5 The walls were bare except for a photograph of a number of village men standing in front of a house the house .
6 The successors to the old skins tended to side with the teds , who were pro-British and for the Union Jack , whereas the punks were anti-royalist and happy to stick safety-pins into pictures of the Queen .
7 Early on a wet Sunday morning outside Yaroslavl station , in the centre of Moscow , my journey was complete and for the first time in 10 days I was alone .
8 We went in gingerly but as far as one could tell the floor was solid except for the one strip over the missing bit of beam .
9 He returned to England in 1844 but was unemployed except for a brief tenure of the post of governor of the new prison in Birmingham in 1849–51 , before dismissal .
10 Every detail was clear except for the number-plate .
11 It was empty but for the Doctor , looking very smug , and the TARDIS .
12 The car park was empty but for the elderly gentleman 's massive Ford , which was just crunching over the gravel towards the road , an old but impressive bronze Aston Martin which Charlotte supposed must belong to Gus — it sent him up a couple of notches in her regard — and the school bus , still stationary , boiling over with bored boys , and emitting a plaintive chorus of : ‘ Why are we waiting ? ’
13 He was standing in his pyjamas in his bedroom , which was empty but for the usual furniture .
14 The water trough was empty except for a layer of scum , a beer bottle and some sweet wrappers .
15 The field was empty except for a few ewes with young lambs .
16 I was in a round room , which was empty except for a large square computer .
17 The incinerator was empty except for a trace of carbon ash .
18 The yard was empty except for a neat looking two-horse box and at the far end a large powerful motorbike .
19 The street below was empty except for a girl walking along sobbing quietly and a boy behind her trying to explain .
20 The library was empty except for an elderly man pottering in Biography and a couple of schoolchildren in the reference section ; there was opportunity for what Joyce called a natter , and no escaping it .
21 It was empty except for an ox and ass who snorted and brayed a greeting .
22 He picked up the canvas shoulder-bag , which was empty except for the map and a compass .
23 There was one there that was empty and for a long long while .
24 Mr Edwards was delighted that for the very first time someone had started to consider the interests of the parents .
25 Everything was dark except for a single patch where the moon shone through the skylight on to the wall .
26 The house was dark except for a light in the kitchen .
27 All was dark except for a tiny glimmer of red light .
28 He opened the door but the dimness inside was such that for a moment he could see little ; then , as his eyes accommodated , he saw Maurice standing , pressed against the far wall as though he wanted to vanish through it .
29 Although ‘ swamping ’ by elderly disabled people was partly responsible for this situation , the lack of motivation is attributable to users ' earlier life experiences : for the majority rehabilitation was inappropriate and for the rest the facilities offered were inadequate .
30 The room was bare except for a ping-pong table on folding trestle legs .
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