Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [conj] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 This was the usual practice when mail was given out : a recipient of a letter would normally get 150 , two letters 300 , and the penalties for a parcel were 500 and above depending on its contents .
2 Arsenal 's breaks were few but always threatening and Oldham , after a first flurry , found openings increasingly elusive .
3 As the duties were light and rapidly becoming merely nominal owing to the continued refusal of the war to start , Charles fetched Clarissa from her theatre nearly every night to take her dancing at one famous rendezvous or another .
4 When she looked up again , they were clear and slightly pleading .
5 I know you said you were extra and then going to freezer shop or summat .
6 It is probably quite likely that the foreigners were honest and hard working , keeping themselves much to themselves but it was clearly a tinder-box situation with the tiniest spark capable of leading to a conflagration .
7 For the first time since Heaven , Ace thought of Julian , and the times they had sat in worn green leather armchairs , the hum of traffic from the A40 outside making waves in their glasses , knowing that the barman thought they were underage but also knowing that Ace intimidated him so much that he would n't say anything .
8 Whereas daytime clothes were loose and hard wearing , clothes worn in the evening were well tailored and expensive .
9 This remaining wing was built in about 1640 , a time when local builders were more than ever turning their craft into a conscious art .
10 Whereas architectural changes in the small country house had been slowly transitional in the last four hundred years , so that you hardly noticed the slipping of one style into another over , say , a period of fifty years , now the changes were radical and sometimes startling .
11 The sky was low and constantly shifting as different layers of grey and black cloud were dragged around by gusty winds .
12 He had little sympathy with Eileen , although he was polite and briskly reassuring .
13 It was strange and horribly unsettling to have such violently opposing feelings about a person .
14 Adam lived as far away from the parental home as was possible while still living in north London .
15 In an adjournment debate in the Commons earlier this month , Mr Hood claimed that Mr Muncie 's ‘ luck ran out ’ for his favourite method of investigation — deciding who was guilty and then gathering evidence to prove it .
16 was round-faced and always smiling
17 The voice was clear and faintly ringing , like crystal — yet deep , a man 's voice .
18 Said one : ‘ I lied about my birth but I realised I was different and always coming top of the class did not help . ’
19 ‘ And you 've had to live with this , knowing what she was doing was wrong and yet showing such concern for her .
20 I had a phone call to Israel the other night and somebody who is very experienced in stress prevention , but still she was afraid and just finding out how isolated those kind of , you know , how isolated they 're feeling out there , the fear of the chemical warfare , and maybe now I 'm able to write to her to reduce some of that isolation .
21 While Rauschning emphasised reconciliation , understanding and harmony through balanced trade , Forster had been saying that reconciliation with the Poles was impossible and endlessly repeating that a return to the Reich was essential , but was prevented only by the intransigence of the vengeful Poles .
22 As a photographer , she was unique and sometimes terrifying in her decision to publicly share her experience as victim of the social discourses of the family , health and the law .
23 She wanted them to go on being friends — if this cold formality was friendship — because anything was better than never seeing him again .
24 Often the skirt was frilled as well making it impossible for the audience to see where the skirt ended and the knickers began .
25 He was elected to succeed Gaston Mullegg as President of FISA when he was 33 and still competing in the Swiss rowing team .
26 Critics of the planning system argued that the resulting system was bureaucratic and slow moving because of the problems of dealing with competing interests and the long cycles of committee meetings that local authorities use .
27 George 's insobriety was disturbing and even wounding to his friends .
28 It was worse than ever getting up the companion , much worse than last time .
29 She was shrewd and quite calculating even then .
30 His attitudes are best illustrated by this typical passage from Thucydides ( iv.83 : 424 BC ; the details of the diplomacy are irrelevant ) : Perdikkas ' diplomacy was subtler than just pitting Athens against Sparta and conversely : before the great Peloponnesian War broke out he shrewdly persuaded the Greek cities near Olynthus to coalesce into a federation ; this was an act designed to weaken the greater confederacy of the Delian League , since Athens ' policy ( Thuc. iii .
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