Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [conj] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 She heard you were pregnant and then told us that she was .
2 Generally , these cash buyers seemed to have made a fair assessment of their chances , in that they were unemployed or already had great difficulty matching small incomes to their outgoings .
3 Clasped on her lap , her fingers were rose-tipped and heavily ringed .
4 Her eyes were dark and carefully made darker but her lips were without lipstick and her face had only the merest dusting of powder .
5 According to Carson ( 1981 ) many of these were avoidable and only occurred because safety standards which applied to onshore industries did not apply to offshore installations .
6 The flagstones were slippery and so hollowed out by three centuries of passing feet that along some of the walkways the puddles had coalesced into shallow canals .
7 The attacks were short and occasionally occurred at night ( she woke up before the attacks started ) .
8 The men were sullen and never met his eye ; but someone had to organise them , and no-one cared to oppose him .
9 In general , the cattle of Aberdeenshire before 1760 were small and often horned , and their colour range included black , brindle , dun , yellow , grey , red , riggit , belted , and black with brown ears and dorsal line .
10 His legs were supple and strongly muscled , and Grainne half closed her eyes , and let her mind race forward , and anticipated the feel of his thighs against her …
11 These interviews were tape-recorded and usually lasted for eight or nine hours ( although one mammoth sitting lasted for twelve ) .
12 They were fantastic and never gave up .
13 He knew how to break one rock with another rock so they were sharp and then used them to make a point on a stick .
14 Smith says Coleman 's opinions were final and never underwent revision .
15 Now U have to confess that there were two that never went on sale .
16 Among the many new and original talks personalities brought to Canadian listeners from the west coast were two that really caught the public imagination .
17 It was tough on the aircrews though , going out night after night to drop bombs on targets they could n't see through the murk and the searchlights , but perhaps this very impersonality kept them going — that and the fact that they were young and usually had a few days between each mission when they could recuperate in the relative peace and tranquility of the English countryside .
18 In view of the confessions made the jury were satisfied and formally pronounced John guilty .
19 These paper notes , redeemable in gold or silver were transferable and thus gave rise to the use of paper money in England .
20 The inspector and I were silent and inwardly praised God .
21 His voice was low and softly timbred and Ruth wondered at such cruelty .
22 Now bearing in mind what we were saying about exchange rates before the break , if the pound was strong that obviously implied that people wanted to buy sterling , but what goods did they want to buy off us ?
23 I wanted to tell him calmly that I knew perfectly well that it was absurd and quite understood the point of his questions .
24 ‘ I wanted something that was melodic but yet did n't sound like any conventional grouping of instruments .
25 Madeleine left them alone after a while , and at first Grégoire was shy and hardly spoke .
26 Wednesday could tell Endill was upset and eventually persuaded him to explain why .
27 Sharpe urged the black stallion on , but the footing under the rye was treacherous ; the soil was damp and still held the shape of the plough furrows , and the stallion could not match the Frenchman 's speed on the paved road .
28 They were quite far apart , it was light but still felt enclosed : you could look up and see the high tops of the pines swaying in a wind that you could n't feel down on the ground .
29 For one thing , she had never worn a strapless dress before , and although the bodice was tight-fitting and well supported she could n't rid herself of the fear that the dress would go slithering to the floor at some critical moment , leaving her almost naked , like in a bad dream .
30 He waited until the Ilyushin was clear and then started a slow turn to his right , using the power on the left engine in conjunction with the rudder .
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