Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [conj] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is now clear , for instance , that before the nineteenth century illegitimacy rates were low and that bastardy was disapproved of by all sections of society , not just the church authorities .
2 Although the tax cuts were lower than many commentators had predicted , Lamont forecast a higher public-sector borrowing requirement ( PSBR ) for both the 1991-92 and 1992-93 financial years than had been expected by financial analysts .
3 They were interested because these wars had tenuous cold-war implications .
4 Mortality rates were high and many children did not survive into adulthood , whilst adulthood itself implied a much shorter lifespan than it does today .
5 Wages were high and most people had money to spend .
6 For two or three years there were few if any signs that rabbits survived .
7 She had spent all her formative years within the confines of the outlying suburb of Westfield , where there were few if any shops for ladies .
8 These two are in a very small minority of black sportsmen who had not at some stage faced the distressing realization that they were black and so they were different and that difference could significantly limit their chances of access to the kind of resources available to others , prestige , affluence , esteem in the eyes of others .
9 Indeed , there was some inconsistency in the provisions since the capital limits for legal advice and legal aid were different and some applicants might still be forced to apply for legal aid .
10 The authors of the Black Report , who included one of the most eminent Fabian academics , Professor Peter Townsend , were clear that such disparities were socially unjust and the NHS needed policies to address them , but they were forced to conclude from the evidence that the major causes of health inequalities lay beyond the NHS and were rooted in the material conditions of life experienced by the different classes .
11 28.6% were left-handed and this figure was much the same for those killed in action and for those killed in other ways .
12 They were fascinating and it was wonderful to have them , even if most of the sections were forty or more years old .
13 The departments were co-located in the same building , and , as it was felt that their roles were similar and some economy of scale would be achieved in terms of staffing , equipment , and accommodation , a Central Services Support Unit ( CSSU ) had been established .
14 Corbett estimated the dogs were taller than any man .
15 ‘ The evidence of student organisers and the police is that among the marchers there were 2,000 or more members of militant groups who played a significant role in encouraging demonstrators to march towards Parliament and show aggression , ’ the report says .
16 It was always thought that if an investor ( or purchaser ) completed an agreement knowing that some of the warranties were untrue and that fact had not been disclosed , then he would not be prevented from bringing an action for breach of warranty , though the equitable remedy of rescission for misrepresentation would not be available as the investor could not satisfy the requirement to come to equity with clean hands .
17 Though precise historical data relating to the mid-1850s is hard to come by , Lee has estimated that before 1880 , there were six or fewer newspaper proprietors in the House of Commons .
18 While it was true that all religions were imperfect and that Hinduism was no different from Christianity in this respect , it did not follow that the Christian claim ‘ Jesus is the only son of God ’ could be universally accepted .
19 In medieval England what came under pressure were the conventions by which claims to land rights were legitimated ; while some sectors of society were attempting to make written records the prime guarantor of ‘ truth ’ and legitimacy , others were suspicious that such records could easily be forged and preferred to put their faith in seals and in the oral testimony of ‘ twelve good men and true ’ .
20 Domesday Book makes it clear that large areas were wooded and that waste and underused land was widespread in 1086 .
21 but er I do n't know perhaps we were braver than these days , perhaps you were braver when you 're young
22 Essentially , the Inquiry found that the major institutions in the public sector ( many of which were larger than some universities ) should be exercising much more responsibility for the standard of their work , and be accountable for that task .
23 Flying boats were larger than most aircraft of the time .
24 On the one hand , the barons were confident that few clergy would rally to the support of Edward II .
25 They were better than this lot will ever know how to be .
26 Tonally the A2 seems to match up to any amp or processor , and although there are some lead sounds which did n't quite make it , they were closer than many processors can claim to get .
27 For a while peace , work , food , clothing and shelter were all that most people hankered after , and the basic rebuilding of the economy and their shattered way of life took some two decades .
28 By the 1790s there were 18 or more violins , double woodwind and brass .
29 As the election approached , perceptions about party chances became more homogeneous and the predictability of different perceptions of Conservative and Alliance chances sank to a very low level : most voters thought that the Conservatives ' chances were good and that Alliance chances were poor .
30 The opportunities of providing innovative packages of care to rural communities were considerable and some individuals in the units were alert to them .
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