Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] for [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On the assumption of a two-firm market and that a rival would not enter the market if it faced zero NPV , NPVs were calculated for investment by the price-setting firm based on the limit prices needed to prevent the rival from entering the market and the cost levels that could be achieved by moving down the experience curve .
2 ( Anglers are presently major users of the Derwent and would remain so even if the river were reinstated for use by power craft . )
3 Those who eschewed colour and decoration , like Spurgeon , and built what were really mammoth meeting-houses with a Greek front , were criticized for lack of taste and for concentrating too much on the preacher .
4 ‘ At Darlington county court in 1991 , 565 homes were repossessed for non-payment of mortgages , ’ the report says .
5 These allow an understanding of the range over which materials were gathered for use on the farm , reflecting the extent of human movement and interaction .
6 FIVE people were treated for shock after loyalist bombers struck at a Belfast house .
7 The observation was pursued and many compounds were examined for activity against viruses in culture , and in infected animals .
8 Forty four patients with Crohn 's disease were examined for eligibility during the trial period .
9 Antibodies to the cytosolic leucocyte L1 protein ( or calprotectin ) were examined for reactivity with macrophages , neutrophils , and eosinophils identified by paired immunofluorescence staining in sections of normal human ileal mucosa , including Peyer 's patches .
10 Plates were examined for growth after seven days ' anaerobic incubation at 37°C .
11 Most of the patients were referred for investigation to the Department of Gastroenterology of Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital , and the remainder were seen at the Third Department of Internal Medicine , Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine .
12 Many patients from eight practices in two of the zones were referred for examination to an adjacent district because radiology facilities were nearer .
13 Between May 1991 and June 1992 , 12 patients ( nine women ) were referred for ERCP from different hospitals , because of suspicion of bile duct injury after laparoscopic removal of the gall bladder .
14 Was it normal , she had enquired , for elderly gentlemen making termly investigations into your scholastic progress to indicate where you were to sit for interview by laying their hand on the sofa cushion , and then , when you sat down , failing to remove their hand ?
15 The exceptions were the Frenchmen and Savoyards in the service of Henry III , Edward I and Edward II , such as Jean de Grilly or Maurice and Amaury de Craon , who served as seneschals ; or the Italian creditors of Edward I and Edward II who held the financial office of constable as a means whereby their loans were assigned for repay-ment from Gascon revenues .
16 They were joined for lunch by the geography mistress , whose name he had not caught , and the games mistress , whose whistle-blowing prowess he had earlier admired .
17 Mortalities from cancer ( cancer given as the underlying cause of death ) were calculated for each treatment and were adjusted for age by the direct method .
18 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many firms were registered for VAT in ( a ) 1979 and ( b ) 1991 .
19 Many of those first placed in charge of rural posts proved unsuitable , and were dismissed for abuse of power .
20 Seventy-two per cent of those who had previously worked were currently unemployed as a direct result of their heroin use : 17 were dismissed for continual lateness and/or absenteeism ; two were dismissed for theft from work to finance their habit ; two lost their jobs when they were imprisoned for burglary or possession of heroin ; one was dismissed after two years of illness related to his drug use ; and one went bankrupt trying to support his habit .
21 The Employment Appeal Tribunal has upheld an industrial tribunal 's decision that dismissals were unfair where the employees concerned were dismissed for breach of a new management policy of which they were unaware ( see Royal Mail Glasgow v Fleming and Another [ 1992 ] 459 IRLIB 10 ) .
22 Four Minilab Sovereign detectors which were intended for export to Belgium were stolen from the premises of Search Technology on 30 August 1991 .
23 Berry , from Bramerton , Norfolk , was originally convicted in 1983 of making electronic timers for detonating bombs which it was claimed were intended for use in Syria and the Lebanon .
24 On June 10 four men described as " ringleaders " were hanged for involvement in events in Mashad on May 30-June 2 [ see p. 38935 ] .
25 Carfax adaptors were designed for use with existing car radios .
26 Table II shows the perinatal mortality rates for each of the four categories of perinatal death among women who were booked for delivery at a general practitioner unit .
27 If Saddam Hussein or Colonel Qaddaffi were bidding for control of a firm that employs 130,000 people , makes explosives and could be made to make chemical weapons , that would be reason for concern .
28 Notice that a similar interpretation would arise , and no loss of information would result , if monarch were replaced by a synonym or paraphrase such as sovereign , or crowned head ( and automobile would interact in the same way with the context if it were substituted for car in 16 and 17 ) .
29 Forty seven patients with rectal and rectosigmoid tumours referred for laser treatment during an 18 month period between February 1990 and August 1991 were considered for inclusion in this study .
30 ( 1986 ) , in their study Who Needs Care ? examined child care decision making in two English local authorities which involved 361 children from 266 families , all of whom were considered for care during 1980–1 .
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