Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] for [art] most " in BNC.

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1 The kitchen had one small window , the parlour two , one looking out over Brodick Bay , the other inland ; joined to this main building were various outhouses , each having a door , a window , a box-bed , a small deal table , a candlestick , and a wash-basin of its own : these were let for the most part to single gentlemen , though now and again she had also lady lodgers .
2 They were confined for the most part to the close proximity of the waterways and some parts of the country hardly knew them at all .
3 Finer grades ( such as Parian or Pentelic ) were used for the most important statuary , and lower-quality and more local marble , mainly from south-western Turkey , was used for the main architectural building blocks of the monument .
4 During the 1860s the energy of the radicals was absorbed for the most part in rebellion against the values and conventions of the educated world from which they sprang .
5 While the Treaty as a whole was deeply humiliating to Germany , it was accepted for the most part with a sullen resignation and silent disgust .
6 There was , as far as he could see , nothing that need be identified or admired or paused over : just bare grey rock sheering down to a narrow track which was used for the most part by packhorses and even then not often .
7 Detailed analysis of the early period of social-democratic activity , during the late 1880s and early 90s , has found that ‘ the relationship between worker and intelligentsia leaders was characterized for the most part by trust , co-operation and mutual respect . ’
8 PLAYER OF THE TOURNAMENT TO MARK the 21st anniversary of the Benson & Hedges Cup , a special trophy was created for the most consistent player of the 1992 tournament .
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