Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [noun pl] by the " in BNC.

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1 In 1989 no award was made , partly because the sponsor felt that publishers were submitting books by the distinguished but small group of authors who had already won prizes , and the prize was allowed to lapse until this year .
2 The seventh-century chronicler Fredegar thought that they were given lands by the Gallo-Roman aristocracy , who thereby gained tax exemption in the days of Valentinian I. It may be that this information actually relates to the reign of Valentinian III , and therefore that it is the same as the grant of Sapaudia , but this is by no means certain .
3 Between July 9 and 13 nearly 5,000 Albanians — mostly young men aged between 20 and 30 — who had sought refuge in foreign embassies in Tirana were given passports by the Albanian government and allowed to leave the country .
4 The flotation has been triggered by a group of US charities who were given shares by the magazine 's founders and now want to cash in their holdings .
5 These particles were named quarks by the Caltech physicist Murray Gell-Mann , who won the Nobel prize in 1969 for his work on them .
6 They marched down the road , stopping outside every public house — where they were handed drinks by the landlord — and outside cottages whose inhabitants were awaiting them on their doorsteps .
7 Conversely slightly more of the action sample were receiving meals-on-wheels by the time of the second assessment but this is probably because more of the control sample were out receiving day care and therefore were less likely to require them .
8 Returning in 1941 , he was given lodgings by the Vicar of Trumpington , a grant by his school and £52 by the Movement .
9 Phillip was voted tops by the British Shops and Stores Association .
10 ‘ Well , I began playing guitar professionally when I was about 15 or 16 years old , and was recording albums by the time I was 17 .
11 In William Whiteley Ltd. v. The King , 101 L.T. 741 , a company was charged duties by the revenue on ‘ male servants ’ whom they employed .
12 The Hitchcock show , which takes place at Islington Powerhaus on October 17 ( billed as a benefit for Bosnian Refugee Relief ) , was to feature performances by The Soft Boys and Peter Buck .
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