Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Third party claims were considered at first instance and in the Court of Appeal .
2 Most of the shots in this collection , however , were taken at first light including those of which Nigel is most proud : ‘ If I have to choose a favourite it would be the photograph of Bryce Canyon in Utah .
3 Most of the shots in this collection , however , were taken at first light including those of which Nigel is most proud : ‘ If I have to choose a favourite it would be the photograph of Bryce Canyon in Utah .
4 1250 students were admitted to first year undergraduate studies last year and over 500 to postgraduate studies , giving a total population of 44000 full-time students .
5 Valtr Komarek and Jan Carnogursky were demoted from First Deputy Premier to Deputy Premier ( because there was no point in differentiating between the two levels of post , according to Marian Calfa , the Federal Premier ) .
6 In the 1930s , the Supreme Court began to widen its interpretation of free speech to include writings and films of little or no artistic merit , provided they did not include ‘ licentious ’ speech , the forms of which were listed in 1942 as libel , slander , insulting or ‘ fighting ’ words , and obscenity , all of which were excluded from First Amendment protection .
7 Gennady Burbulis , was dismissed as First Deputy Premier by Yeltsin " at his own request " on April 3 .
8 Gen. Wimon was succeeded by First Army Region Commander Lt.-Gen.
9 This was done by first starting at the top of the list with Allied Lyons and working down the list .
10 Julian was named after first winner Julian Lawrence who is seen here with two other winners , Heather Valente ( left ) and Liz Marshall .
11 Disease was measured by first hospital admission rates since endometriosis can be diagnosed with accuracy only at laparotomy or laparoscopy .
12 Twenty micrograms of total RNA was used for first strand cDNA synthesis in a mixture containing 1 Taq polymerase buffer ( Promega ) , 1mM dNTPs , 40 Units RNasin ( Promega ) , 100 pmoles downstream primer and 200 Units Superscript ( Gibco-BRL ) .
13 This time stroke play was used with first place going to Eddie , second to Andy White and third to Ian McCulloch .
14 Hickery Holler , so named because he hiccups a lot and hollers when he wants feeding , was born to first time mother , Menga in captivity at the park .
15 For his part Ivashko promised following his election to give up the Ukrainian CP leadership , and at a party congress on June 22-23 he was replaced as first secretary by his former deputy , Stanislav Gurenko .
16 Salia Jusu-Sheriff was replaced as First Vice-President by Gen. Abdulai Conteh , hitherto Attorney General and Justice Minister .
17 Meciar was replaced by First Deputy Premier Jan Carnogursky , the former dissident lawyer and leader of the Christian Democratic Movement ( CDM ) , a junior partner in the ruling coalition .
18 Leave was refused at first instance and in the Court of Appeal , though a few months later a Practice Direction ( [ 1986 ] 2 All ER 226 ) was issued indicating the collective view of the judges that solicitors should be permitted to appear in the High Court or Court of Appeal in formal or unopposed proceedings .
19 Further , the amount of time available in practice for part time Masters level courses makes it unlikely that occasional work will give awareness of language as strong a base as was provided for first degree work in other areas .
20 Leading woman rider Alison Dare , who took her tally of winners to 11 at the Heythrop on Tuesday when Le Kingdom was promoted to first place after finishing a head behind Green Archer , will also be at the Portman .
21 In Wednesday 's race Courtney was promoted to first place following the disqualification of the winner Nigel Davies but yesterday there was no such drama as Courtney led from start to finish to win by 20 seconds from Nigel Hansen with Greg Broughton third .
22 Availability of Merge 3.0 was quoted as first quarter ‘ 93 .
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