Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 We 've looked Strategic sites were looked at after that event of December the eighth .
2 The official line was that ‘ true character of French concessions to Indo-Chinese nationalism and ultimate intentions are clear to Department ’ and it was for this reason that no further substantive concessions involving parliamentary action in France were called for at that time .
3 Twenty-six per cent of all appeals set down were disposed of in that way .
4 All matters concerning Colin Olivier Louis Tuck were dealt with in that small group of offices behind their own perimeter fence and guarded by their own troops .
5 Have you found this chair that he was looking for in that ?
6 No , even with my gardening gloves on I got nettled when I was pulling at around that honeysu
7 When a new plane came in and they assigned it to our crew , it being the principle crew and we got to name it and we named our plane Skyscraper , I do have some later pictures but er it taken in front of the plane of the crew that I was flying with at that time and the ground crew in front of Skyscraper .
8 When we used to go in the truck , Claypole Ridge was 15 miles , though it looks closer , and the smoke was coming from behind that .
9 that 's what I was thinking about like that girl you know , typical , about that car
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