Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [art] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Later that week we were given a first indication that the previous three ‘ greenhouse ’ winters may merely have been within the normal climatic variations and that a better season may be on its way , when the first Pitztal race was cancelled due to extreme cold !
2 When Ako Adjei , Adamafio and Crabbe were given a second trial they were condemned to death : but the sentence was commuted by Nkrumah to life imprisonment .
3 The red army fought in the courts and Swindon were given a second chance in the 2nd division .
4 We all got a rough average of the scale and the standard of these people , but somehow or other and — I never understood why this happened — I seemed to get the occasional chaps that were given a last chance .
5 The church had important links with the butchers of Prague and they were given the first chapel on the left at the W end in honour of their defence of Prague , once in 1611 against the troops from Passau , and again in 1648 , against the Swedes .
6 As journalists were given the first glimpse inside the mall on Wednesday , managers from developer Burton Property Trust geared up for a major marketing exercise .
7 ‘ On the way home , we were approached a second time , by an Me 109 .
8 The parents of the 33 children who had not recovered were interviewed a second time to answer the question whether the constipation/soiling problems had persisted or recurred , because we were not able to determine this from the initial questionnaire .
9 Iida 's remains were buried the next day .
10 JUST before Budget Day we told the story of the Brentford Football Club fan who occupies a senior post at the Treasury and we expected a giveaway Budget if Brentford were leading the Third Division table at the time .
11 We were awakened the next morning by Sir Henry Bowyer 's rough arrival accompanied by at least a dozen likely-looking rogues .
12 Men , I know , talk of such things with eagerness , with a little contempt ; it is as if they were describing the last meal they had , course by course .
13 What they were told was that erm a number of , a a short , short list would be made up , erm , with the possibility of them having a second interview , and they would be told one way or another whether or not they were getting a second interview , because we were n't in a position to say whether we were or were not appointing .
14 Now let's say we 've done that we thought there were three people here so you though you were getting a third right .
15 The police were called the next day .
16 I were flying the next day to Benidorm I 've had trouble all the time with me back
17 If the Tories were to form the next government then Chris Patten would be found a seat , if necessary .
18 They were saying the last time I heard them saying anything he was sort of going
19 I know that he would not like to do any injustice to the report , but if he were to read the second paragraph , which contains its judgment on the Bill , he might come to a different conclusion .
20 We left 406 in October 1943 , and that was the last I heard of them until I received my Spring 1991 issue of Air Mail when I spotted that 406 Sqn were having a 50th Anniversary Celebration and Reunion in earlyh May at Shearwater Forces Base , Dartmouth , Nova Scotia .
21 On June 9 a bomb placed on the roof of the headquarters of the Honourable Artillery Company in London injured 17 civilians , mainly students , who were attending a 21st birthday party there .
22 When they were doing the first picture they had , I think it was .
23 So if we were talking about the Middle Ages we had Gregorian chants , or if we were doing the First World War we had First-world-war songs .
24 During his rapid exit from the balloon carriage Sadler had lost both his signal flags , but these were found the next day in a field near Burton Pedwardine by Mr Edward Robinson , together with Sadler 's hat , cushion and , understandably , his broken thermometer !
25 Taking two , freshly caught Highland sea-trout , he placed them on the mud flats below the bridge , where they were found the next morning .
26 El País reported that " a dozen " Nahda leaders were detained the next day .
27 Her plans were overthrown the first day when the president requested that she should be chaplain .
28 AS YOU WERE reading the last issue of Wood News with your feet up and drinking a cup of hot coffee , John Hill , coupling machine operator at Fireater , was running through the cold , wet weather of Great Yarmouth in training for the London marathon .
29 While such behaviour can not be condoned , an occasional show of controlled passion from England 's bowlers would not have gone amiss on the same ground when Australia were winning the first Test .
30 The formal US indictments were issued the next day .
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